精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
booze-fuelled night booze, (n)酒、酒會 (vi.)暴飲、痛飲 fuel, (n)燃料、刺激因素 (+of/for) (vt.)激起、刺激 (vi)加燃料(+up) touchy-feely (a) 過於卿卿我我的;過於情感化的 boozy night boozy (a.)有點醉的、嗜酒的 Booze Brothers By DEREK BROWN PARTY-LOVING Princes William and Harry hugged drunkenly for the camera during a booze-fuelled night out with chums. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Royal heir William, 24, looked dazed and wide-eyed as the flash went off — while brother Harry leered merrily over his shoulder. Harry was also snapped canoodling with pretty blonde Natalie Pinkham, while saucily groping her BOOB with one hand. Meanwhile William was caught trying a more “tactful” approach with another party girl as they chatted in the background. The fun-loving shots were taken in a trendy London nightclub. A fellow reveller said: “Harry was really going for it.“He had been downing drink all night and was touchy-feely with everyone — especially Natalie. He ^^^^^^^^^^^^ had his hands all over her and was kissing her on the face. At one point he reached his arm around her and gave her a proper grope on her breast. “She was very shocked but didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. I don’t suppose it’s every day an heir to the throne feels you up.” Harry, 21, was also snapped planting a kiss on another girl. Natalie, 27, has been a close pal for years. The politics graduate has dated England cricketer Kevin Pietersen and England rugby star Matt Dawson. Two months ago Natalie stole down the steps of a flat’s stairwell at 5am after a boozy night to grab a kiss from the Prince. ^^^^^^^^^^^ 英國太陽報 http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006370643,00.html 8/16/2006 8:52:58 AM -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: oreoloveme 來自: (08/16 08:58)
kevinloo:rave...lol138.130.188.229 08/16 20:31