精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《linchihkai (linchihkai)》之銘言: : One thing you need to know is the difference of how a language is : learned by non-native speakers and acquired by native speakers. : In other words, the input matters. Recall that when you were acquiring your : first language, it took 3 years to recieve the input, say, approximately : 2400 hours, according to linguistic investigation. However, in learning your : foreign language(s), the intake is so little that you might not see any : output from your learning. (How many hours did spend on listening to English?) 你需要知道母語與非母語人士學習一種語言時的差異。 換句話說,輸入(聽力、閱讀)有影響。 回想你以前學習母語的過程,根據語言學的研究, 需要三年時間來接受輸入,也就是大約兩千四百小時。 然而,在學習外語的時候,因為輸入的部分如此地少, 使你學習的過程幾乎看不到任何輸出(寫作、口說)。 (你過去花多少小時來聽英文?) : So one of strategies when I am learning a foreign language, such as Japanese, : I focus more on intake and the difference of two languages. : For example, it may be frustrated to know the fact that every word is Greek : to me in the very beginning when I listen to Japanese. However I keep : working on and on. The more intake I have, the faster it will be. 我學習外語的一個策略是,例如日語, 我更專注在輸入的部分跟兩個語言不同的部分。 舉例來說,也許剛開始聽日語的時候,因為每個字都聽不懂而感到挫折。 然而我持續不斷地努力。輸入的程度愈多,我進步的速度愈快。 : Also, I keep one fact in mind that every language is different. : This idea is simple in itself but is difficult to be put into practice. : One might say, for instance, Japanese pronunciation is : easier than Chinese, so the difference between these two languages is less : concerned. However, the fact is that many Taiwnaese learners of Japanese : speak "Taiwnaese-like" Japanese. This situation can be observed in Englsih. : English pronunciation is seldom taught in Taiwan. Or many learners regard : that pronunciation is not so important as long as it can be understood. To : tell the truth, I realize that the way I pronounce is related to my listening : ability because, disregarding languages, I hardly see one foreign language : learner with poor English pronunciation is able to have good : listening ability. 另外,我記住每一個語言都是不同的。這觀念很簡單,但是實行起來有困難。 也許有人會說,例如:日文的發音比中文簡單,所以不必太著重兩個語言的差別。 然而,事實上許多台灣人學習日文時講的是〔台式日文〕。 這樣的情況在英文也可以看到。 在台灣較少教導英文發音,或者許多學英文的人, 認為只要能了解單字,發音相較之下不是那麼重要。 說實話,我了解我的發音是跟我的聽力有關, 因為先不提語言本身,我幾乎沒看過一個英文發音不好的人,還能擁有不錯的聽力。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: