精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《harriet1985 (哇哈哈)》之銘言: : 如題 : "剪刀石頭布"要怎麼說 : "the finger-guessing game"是猜拳的意思 : 好像跟剪刀石頭布有點不一樣 : 謝謝!! You can learn it, but you may have no chance to use it. To us, "paper, scissors, stone/rock" is as simple and common as saying hello, but not to Americans. My personal experience: kids in New York have never seen or heard it, not to mention played. When it comes to deciding who will win the selection, they play "odd or even" in which one player will call "odd" or "even" then both players will throw either one finger or none (like our "stone"). The one who called the right "odd or even" of the count of the fingers wins. Flipping a coin is also a common way. Not sure about other western countries. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
finavir:I don't think it's THAT uncommon. Didn't Kelso and the 06/11 09:56
finavir:the rest of the gang did that in "That 70's Show"? 06/11 09:56
finavir:(and I've got a typo ;p) 06/11 09:58
jasonlo855:But have you ever played it with an American? 06/11 10:38
qccm:i think ppl know it since the game appears in my exam 06/11 10:39
jasonlo855:I did once. I threw "paper," and the other guy 06/11 10:39
qccm:without mentioning the rules..(i am in california) 06/11 10:40
jasonlo855:yelled in disbelief, "What's this?" 06/11 10:41
jasonlo855:I was in New York. 06/11 10:42
djnospam:I live in MA. I just asked my roommate. To my 06/11 11:47
djnospam:surprise, he's never heard of it. (I even showed him 06/11 11:47
djnospam:the hand signs) 06/11 11:47
finavir:According to my American friend (forgot what state she 06/11 14:14
finavir:is from), apparently there is an international 06/11 14:15
finavir:tournament of "paper, scissors, stone" in Toronto 06/11 14:15
finavir:every year...*lol* And she wasn't kidding me. 06/11 14:16
djnospam:It's mentioned on wikipeida also. So, it's there, but 06/11 23:44
djnospam:not as well known as we thought. 06/11 23:45