精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如果說我今天跟同事吵架 而目前還在冷戰中 "冷戰"英文該怎麼說呢? Thanks. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
colorbow:cold war (印象中就是這麼簡單沒錯> <) 06/19 20:14
ibizadream:cold war ONLY refer to the conflict between US & 06/20 00:16
ibizadream:Russian,doesnt has anything to do with what u mean. 06/20 00:20
djnospam:"We (still) don't talk." 06/20 00:45
aquariuX:we're not in talking terms 06/20 02:21
colorbow:Cold War大寫的時候特指美蘇冷戰,後來被拿來沿用,我們 06/20 12:27
colorbow:現在講的"冷戰"一詞就是這麼來的,所以cold war(小寫) 06/20 12:29
colorbow:指condition of rivalry, mistrust, and often open host 06/20 12:29
colorbow:hostility short of violence (sorry我多打了一個hostXD) 06/20 12:30
wendie:silent treatment 06/21 10:21
pierse:He freezed me out. 02/01 12:18