精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
小弟我看見一篇文章不錯蠻有趣的..... 所以po給大家看看..... The ABC of Life... A is for acknowledging or appreciating your value as a person. B is for believing in yourself,that you have the ability to lead an effective, meaningful life. C is for caring about yourself and people. D is for dreaming big dream , to search for the wildest wishes. E is for empathizing with people understanding their feelings and thinking. F is for fun , allowing yourself to enjoy life. 嗯....有點多先寫到這邊.....請續待..... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.m8.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: loge (浮沉) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: ad 時間: Thu Apr 16 04:37:19 1998 ※ 引述《loge (浮沉)》之銘言: : 小弟我看見一篇文章不錯蠻有趣的..... : 所以po給大家看看..... : The ABC of Life... : A is for acknowledging or appreciating your value as a person. : B is for believing in yourself,that you have the ability to lead an effective, : meaningful life. : C is for caring about yourself and people. : D is for dreaming big dream , to search for the wildest wishes. : E is for empathizing with people understanding their feelings and thinking. : F is for fun , allowing yourself to enjoy life. : 嗯....有點多先寫到這邊.....請續待..... 嗯....繼續寫吧...... G is for giving generously your time ,your positive thoughts,your kindness, and whatever you can afford to bring joy to others. H is for happinsee,being happy with who you are and what you do in life. I is for imagination stretching your mind to search for dreams and solutions to achieve your goals. J is for joy ,bringing joy to people you meet, live with, or work with. K is for knowledge always learning and using what you know for the betterment of life and society. L is for love ,loving unconditionally,not only emotionally or physicallly, but spiritually. 嗯......有點累了.....有時間在打吧.....請續待..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: loge (浮沉) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: ad 時間: Thu Apr 16 14:54:29 1998 終於要完成了.....有點辛苦...但也蠻高興的.... V is for victory reconizing and celebrating even the smallest victory in whatever you do . W is for wonder,wondering about man kind,nature,and God. X is for the "X" factor seeking the extra dimension in yourself and in people, finding the winning trait in each person. Y is for "Yes" to positive challenges and adventures. Z is for zest in life, in whatever you set out to do . .......................May I be guided by this ABCs of life................... 大功告成囉..........cc........^_^...