精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
[jet n gun]真是一個非常不錯玩的射擊遊戲, 不知大約第幾關的任務是: to succeed nin the campaign against the enemy you need a ship of extraordinaryy speed, agility and robustness.Sucj a dangerous weapon is locked safely in the bunkers of the Fex labs. Infiltrate the Fex stroage complex,destroy 3 power field generators to disengage the sealed TMIG-226 fighter and drag the ship witgh an automatic tractor bean out of the complex. The ship must not be destroyed. 裡面有幾個字是打電動時常看到的: agility: 敏捷性,也就是攻擊的速度,和speed不同的是,speed指移動的速度 robustness:力量很強的 bunker:碉堡 complex:很複雜的建筑物,基地 disengage:解除 tractor:牽引機 有錯請指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: