精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
昨天的英文版《淘氣阿丹》漫畫, 標題是The Verse That Could Happen, 場景是阿丹在家裡跟爸媽、爺爺奶奶跟鄰居威爾森夫婦吃感恩節晚餐。 晚餐開始前,阿丹在爸爸允許下帶祈禱: First of all, thanks for my Dad an' Mom, who keep me happy, safe and warm... for my really awesome an' cool grandad, the best on earth a kid could have... and the good of Wilsons, they make my day, I'm thankful they're only a house away... for Joey an' Gina, an' even Margaret, she always makes a PERFECT TARGET... for Ruff an' Hot Dog, my best friends with fur, they're by my side with a bark and a purr... and last, but definitely not the least, for this SUPER GREAT THANKSGIVING FEAST! Amen. 因為是難得一見的verse,所以才貼上來跟大家分享。 http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/fun/dennis.asp -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: