精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
下面話出自" memoirs of Li Hung Chang"(1913) 書是節錄自他的日記跟手稿。 在台灣割讓給日本時,李鴻章代表清朝與日本簽訂馬關條約, 割讓台灣的時候,李鴻章心裡還蠻高興的~~ 這是他對台灣的看法: Formosan are neither of us nor with us, and we raise all the ancestors that this is so! In Asia, in all the world, I believe there are no tribes of animals called men more degraded and filthy than these people of Taiwan. And have we not enough of criminals and low creatures to deal with on the mainland? These people are not farmers, they are no hill-men, nor hunters of wild beasts whose skins bring in money and keep men's bodies warm in the cold winters. No, they are not even fit to be soldiers in trained armies, for they have no discipline, nor could they be taught. Neither would they make good sailors on regular ships though many of the coastmen are good enough as wild pirates and buccaneers of the sea. They are cut-throats, all of them, along the coasts and back into the jungles. And so they have been from the days of Chia-Ch'ing to the present time. No, they are not all even of so good a class as that! For what are opium smokers, head-hunters and filthy lepers.....A very large number of these people are opium users of the lowerst kind, and those who do not use this hellish concoction only abstain from it because it is not within their power or means to obtain that dirtiest of evil drugs.(268) ---- 然後...不好意思...這才是我的目的-- 請問黃色部份是甚麼意思呢? 感覺上下文意思不太對得起來耶.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ichbingut:他們從嘉慶開始就一直如此直至今日 03/29 21:21
ichbingut:而他們大部分甚至連上述的情況都不如 03/29 21:22
ichbingut:有許多吸食鴉片者 獵人頭的人 和骯髒的 03/29 21:23
ichbingut:痲瘋病患... 03/29 21:24
ichbingut:呃..第二句更貼近點應該是: 他們之中甚꘠ 03/29 21:25
ichbingut:至連上述的情況都不如 比較好... 03/29 21:26
cita:謝謝你~我懂了~! 03/29 21:33