精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作者 splendera (終極的遺憾) 看板 BBMak 標題 美國大選諷刺動畫 時間 Fri Nov 5 17:34:31 2004 ─────────────────────────────────────── 布希和凱瑞一起唱"this land will surely vote for me~" 等下載有點久...耐心一點喔... http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/contentPlay/shockwave.jsp?id=this_land_af 附上歌詞...因為是自己聽的如有錯請指正^^ --     This Land Bush: This land is your land (畫面:麻塞諸塞州) This land is my land  (畫面:德州) I'm a Texas tiger You're a liberal whiner I'm a great crusader You're a herman monster This land will surely vote for me Kerry: This land is your land (畫面:鄉野車房) This land is my land (畫面:高級莊園) I'm a intellectual You're a stupid dumb ass I'm a purple heart winner And yes it is true I won it thrice This land will surely vote for me Bush: You have more waffle Than a house of pancakes You offer flip-flop I offer tax-breaks You're a UN pussy And yes it is true that I kick ass, HAH! This land will surely vote for me Kerry: You can't say nuclear that really scares me Sometimes a brain can come in quite handy But it's not gonna help you Because I won three purple heart This land will surely vote for me Bush: You are a liberal sissy Kerry: You are a right wing nut-job Bush: You are a pinko commie Kerry: You are a dumb as a doornob Bush: Hey, you got that BOTOX Kerry: But I still won three purple-hearts Bush & Kerry: This land will surely vote for me 原住民: This land was my land 美國人: But now is our land 阿諾: From California 柯林頓: To the New York I -- (希拉蕊打他一巴掌) hey, what did I do! Kerry: I'm a liberal whiner Bush: I'm a right-wing nut-job Kerry: This land belong -- Bush: This land belong -- Kerry & Bush: This land belong to you and me -- Bush: Oh, and Dick Cheney too! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gianni:歌名是this land,是感恩節會唱的歌 11/08