精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《babu2233 (babu)》之銘言: : 1. By this time next year,merchandising "is" greatly improved. : --->為什麼不用"is going to"? (Longman Advanced p120) merchandising 不會自己主動去獲得重大的改善 : 2. The "designation"person for the job of supervisor is the assistant manager. : --->為什麼不用"designated"? (Longman Advanced p124) 這我不清楚,因為我也覺得照句義來說,你的答案比較適合。 : 3. City home buyers may be entitled to "the refunds" if their agents made errors : on the contracts. be refunded 或 have the refunds : --->引號部分要改錯 不知道怎麼改>"< (Longman Advanced p135) : 4. A cover letter "did not have to"accompany a resume;however,those who : consider themselves experts in job placement would advise sending both. doesn't need to : --->引號部分也是要改錯 不知道怎麼改>"< (Longman Advanced P131) : 謝謝大家的回答>"< -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
johnny739:第一個他想問的事in going to be 吧... 06/23 00:02