精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. Before submitting the draft document to the vice president, see that ------------ -------- it has been reviewed thorough. ---------- ---------- 答案是(D) why? 2. Revitalization of the transportation system would be a major victor ------- -------- for Glenville, which is showing signs of recovering following years ---------- of economic decline. --------- 答案是(B) victor WHY?? 3. Ms. Jacobs in Personnel can be relied upon to provide an excellent ---- ------------ advice on how to conduct interviews with job applicants. ------ ---------- 答案是(B) an excellent WHY?? 拜託各位高手幫我解答八?? 文法很爛的人~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
johnny739:1. thoroughly 04/25 09:15
johnny739:2. victory 04/25 09:15
Hudini:3. some advice (advice is not countable) 04/25 09:18
lovetennis:thanks a lot. 04/25 10:46