精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《goodfriends (do something)》之銘言: : 以下是之前網友分享的考古題 : 1._____ corporate America comes to terms with the antismoking fervor, more and : more companies are regulating their use of tobacco in the workplace. (A) As 前句講 antismoking 後句講 越來越多公司訂定了在工作場合吸煙的規章 一個是"反吸煙" 一個是"可吸煙" 所以要用although : (B) Although (C) Whereas (D) Since : 答案是A 請問一下D為什麼不行勒? use "since" to say that something started at a point in time in the past, and is still continuing . He has been living in Leeds since 1998. . We've known about it since May. "Since" is usually followed by a time expression ('last year', 'this morning', '4 o'clock' etc) or by the simple past tense. Use the present perfect or the past perfect in the other clause . I have loved movies since I first went to the cinema. . He had been seriously ill since Christmas. The above is from LDOCE : 2.Ethnocentrism is the view that one’s own culture is better than all the : others; it is the way all people feel about themselves as _________outsiders. : (A) compared to (B) comparing to (C) are compared to (C) they compare to : 為什麼是A?? ...as (they are) compared to outsiders : 3.Sara’s ran up debts of $50,000 in the first year and it will : ________business unless it increases sales to 4,000 personal computers in the : second year. (A) go out of (B) go off (C) go for (D) go through. : 請問一下A-go out of 是破產的意思嗎 go out of business if a company goes out of business, or something puts it out of business, it stops operating, especially because of financial problems. : go off 又是什麼意思呢? go off 用法多 若按照在題目的用法=> go off sthg : to stop liking something 配合文意就是 停止喜歡業務... : 4.Primary industry, including fishing, mining, farming, and oil extraction, is : the sector, where raw materials are extracted, _____ and cut down. (A) : growing (B) grew (D) grown (D) grow : 依照語意來說是D沒錯 可是在這裡前面是are extracted(被動) : 就修辭來看 : 後面不是應該也要被動比較好? 第四個答案不對 要用過去分詞 : 5.Changes in _____ is being produced in the economy are bound to lead to : changes in where and how people work. (A) that (B) which (C) whether (D) what what = the thing(s) which : 這題為什麼是 D 呢 : 先謝謝大家回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
goodfriends:謝謝~~ 10/27 09:39