精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
P.139#1 The corporation is restructuring the marketing division ------A------ ----B---- to reach the sofhisticated consumer interesting in luxury goods. ------C------ -----D----- 請問D為什麼要改成interested呢? P.136#1 Agreeing to sell most of its assets and eventually is phasing out ---------A------ ------B------- the business,the firm will be merging with a newly formed corporation. ---C--- -----D------- 我知道B的is要去掉 想問的是C為什麼對阿 有will be +Ving 的用法嗎 P.148#10 These are among the most popular products on the market is a well-known --A-- ----B--- -C- fact,and we believed that they will continue to be popular for some years --D-- to come. 想知道若A錯的話是要改成什麼呢 先謝謝大家回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mokia2424:1.省略who is 10/08 23:32
djnospam:2. 有,很常見 10/09 00:11
ryanchia:第一句就是人 + be interested in + 物 的句型 10/09 00:17
ryanchia:然後接到一樓的 10/09 00:18
djnospam:3. Why these (?) 10/09 00:23
wanttogo:請問一下 will be +Ving 算口語用法嗎?該如何用?我查文法 10/09 00:40
wanttogo:書可是找不到說 10/09 00:41
gravitino:3. 好像應該是"That these..." 10/09 03:26