精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. If the /service/ is not /prompt/, the customers /would have gone/ to A B C /another/ restaurant. D 2. In order to survive the /competition of/ other firms, successful businesses A have to supply goods and /services/ that customers want to buy, /with/ the B C right price. 第一題的答案是B 為什麼不是C呢? B的prompt本來就有形容詞的意思--->迅速的 C改成will不行嗎? 第二題的答案D 我是選C D是錯在哪呢? 麻煩各位幫我解答疑問> < -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Picathu:第二題沒看到 D 選項耶 12/10 23:32
gemmata:sorry 我不會改文章 C是that D是with 才對 12/10 23:57
djnospam:1. 應該是C -> will ... 12/11 01:02
djnospam:2. A -> competition from (Google也可以找到例子) 12/11 01:05
frankie9988:at the right price才對吧 12/11 17:47
frankie9988:第一題if the service is not good 12/11 17:52