精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.(Knowledge of) the rate(at which) a ship is traveling (through) the water is A B C important if the navigator (need to) estimate the time of arrival. D 2. Three months after they have been (laid), (crocodile) eggs are (ready) A B C (hatched). D 3.A dolphin locates underwater objects (in) (its) path by (doing) A B C a series of clicking and (whistling) sounds. D 4. A rabbit (moves about) (by hopping) on its hind legs, (which are) A B C much longer and (more strong) than its front legs. D Ans: D , D , D , D 請問第一題的 at which 的 at , 是因為arrival 才用的嗎? 又 need to 錯在哪? 是the navigator 是單數? 所以要用 needs 這樣嗎? 第二題我選C, ready to do something 是不是一個phrase ? 又 hatched 錯在哪?? 第三題的句型 locates是動詞 ,那 underwater objects in its path要怎麼翻? 又 whistling 錯在哪? 第四題 move about = move around = 到處移動 嗎? 又 D 錯在哪?? 麻煩各位解答了 ,謝謝~~ -- 「吼,爵士樂啊,都是些裝著知識分子腔調,拿杯白蘭地在手上搖啊搖的人在聽的!」          -----《Swing Girls》 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kna77168 來自: (01/17 10:34)
kna77168:阿,自答一下 第四題是不是改成stronger 就可以了? 01/17 10:34
djnospam:yes. 01/17 10:47
kna77168:謝謝 ,那第三題 underwater objects in its path 這意思 01/17 10:49
kna77168:是啥?? 我查了一下 whistling 也可當adj. 那錯在哪?? 01/17 10:50
djnospam:doing -> making (whistling 沒錯) 01/17 11:21
kna77168:所以說 第三題 是題目出錯了嗎? 01/17 12:01
djnospam:是解答給錯了 01/17 12:14
kna77168:嗯嗯 謝謝你 01/17 12:19
djnospam:參考 http://dunchee.english.tw/post/18/2314 01/17 12:37