精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《a8899276 (dennis)》之銘言: : 標題: [多益] Some controvercial questions........thanks!! : 時間: Sat Feb 9 10:39:46 2008 : : Hi! how r u guys' Chinese New Year going?(this is not my question, : just say hello) : : : honestly, I got some tricky questins and I need ur help!!! : : 1. A four-month investigation made it clear that America today is well into the : kind of troubling world ______the most basic principles of privacy are under : attack. (A) when (B) which (C) in which (D) wherever : : the answer is (C) in which means where, but I think the "world" is a thing : I choose(B) How do u think? if you choose (B), there's no verb. Futhermore, "the most basic principles of privacy are under attack." is a sentence. : : 2. The surgeon general's report ______that smokers create health risks for : nearby nonsmokers has encouraged companies to promote smoke-free work : environments.(A) asserting (B) asserts (C) asserted (D) has asserted : : Answer is (A) here "has encouraged" is used to describe "the surgeon..report : why not "nonsmoker" and how about anwser (B)? : the word "has encouraged" is already a verb. if you choose (B), there are 2 verbs in one sentence. : 3.Please pack the boxes in wooden cases, five boxes per case which must have : fireproof ____ waterproof linings.(A) with (B) so (C) and (D) but : : how about (C)?? : : : 4.Many employees in this company cannot use computers; _____ in-service : training is required. (A) on the whole (B) besides (C) consequently (D) and : : the answer is (C)consequently why not consider (B) : if you choose (B), it means there are two different independent things. : : 5. The habit of traveling long distances to work _______for the past decades : due to the availability of mass-produced reasonably-priced cars. (A) is (B) : was (C) has grown (D) had been : : the answer is (B) I think : "For the past decades the habit of traveling long distances to work" is a real : thing. It is true. How about(A) : : __ : : thanks for help!! thx! : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) : ◆ From: -- BLOG JOSH http://blogjosh-private.blogspot.com -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: