精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是一篇 Advertisement DOWNTOWN DELUXE The recently completed Menlo Industrial Park is open for inspection. Prospective tenants may make appointments to discuss their space requirements with our sales representatives. The park can accomodate corporations with hundreds of employees as easily as it can operations with only two employees. All services and security are state of art. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^這句 state of art 求譯 這句看得懂的話,下面的問題就解決了 Each rental unit comes with a complete shower room and private gym. Employees health means corporate health. 問!! How are the facilities generally described? A) Artistic. B) Easy to operate. C) Very up-to-date. D) Reasonable. artistic 跟 up-to-date差別在哪 我選A 但答案是 C -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cornflower:state of art 好到近乎藝術境界 up-to-date 跟得上時代 10/18 14:39
cornflower:很先進 artistic是說美術的美感的 不太一樣 10/18 14:40
kubadtz:up to date 新到即刻(時期) 10/18 14:43
chamjo:但答案是C選項) 難道up to date 跟 state of art 比較接近? 10/18 14:45
cornflower:artistic是精緻美麗 state of art簡單說就是很完善 10/18 14:47
kubadtz:"This machine is an example of state-of-the-art 10/18 14:51
kubadtz:technology" 就是最先進的意識 10/18 14:55
a8899276:正解!! state-of-the-art 形容詞 最先進的;最尖端的 10/18 16:21
a8899276:答案就呼之欲出! (C) 10/18 16:24
chamjo:謝謝各位詳盡的解釋 又上了一課 ^^ 10/18 16:56