精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.The increased carbon dioxide is probably not a threat to health, _____ it profoundly affects the way the earth is heated by the sun. (A) nevertheless (B) thus (C) and (D) but the answer is (D). how about (A)? 2.(Along) the Connecticut River, Hartford is (an) attractive, (thriving) mixture of the old (but) new the answer is "but" why? 3.The rapid advances in technology (make) a branch network less important (as) it (used to) be (as a base) for offering services to the public. the answer is "as". But I think "the rapid advances in technology" is one thing. Therefore, "make" becomes "makes" Is that right? 4. The (traveling) guide advises us (to visit) Italy in winter, (where) the prices are (lower). why "where" is incorrect? 5. With this change in people's working habits _______ the new problem of filling their free hours with recreational activities. (A) come (B) comes (C) have come (D) coming the answer is (B) how about (C) (with this change in people's working habits) 隨著人類工作習慣改變 我覺得習慣是漸漸的改 所以我選(C) 但是(C) 應該要是 has come 才對 (I guess) how do u think? thank you! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CMD:1.空格內應該填連結詞 02/11 11:40
tomodori:1. nevertheless + , 02/11 11:55
tomodori:4. where 不加 , 02/11 11:56
tomodori:5. 可是它沒說漸漸呀@@" 只是陳述事實而已 02/11 11:56
tomodori:3. advances 是複數呀 02/11 11:58
tomodori:2. 是and吧 02/11 11:59
a8899276:1. nevertheless is adv. right thank you very much 02/11 12:20
djnospam:4. -> when 02/11 13:21
fleursdumal:5.漸變的是工作習慣,而非come所代表的"隨著" 02/11 20:38
fleursdumal:隨著習慣的改變,新問題[應運而生]->come在這裡 02/11 20:43
fleursdumal:如果要強調習慣的漸變應該修飾change如gradual change 02/11 20:45
djnospam:5. 倒裝句。"comes"的主詞是後頭的"the new problem" 02/11 22:22
djnospam:Uncle Ben: Remember, with great power, comes great 02/11 22:24
djnospam:responsibility. 02/11 22:24