精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
求譯 (^^^^^^^標記處 求譯) 1. Now the most considerate worker, he was considered the rudest a little more than 2 years ago. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2. His efforts would be less than satisfactory ^^^^^^^^^ (less than + 形容詞?) even to the least demand person than myself. ^^^^^^ (the least + 形容詞 demand 不是形容詞阿?) 3. The coldest weather of the decade slowed the shipment, even to the closest destinations, of the finer produce available. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 4. The most sophisticated computers should challenge the sharpest minds to develope the most efficient and most clever programs possible. (整句求譯) 5. After I had advised her to make her plans and invest, she delayed buying and considered quitting the market altogether. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (是"不進場"的意思?) 6. The dissatisfied client demanded to see the supervisor and continued to complain loudly, until the clerk, thinking quickly, was able to locate the missing goods. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (譯為 "查到失蹤貨物的下落"好嗎?) 7. It was decided that he deserved credit for the efforts he had to make to create new marketing opportunities. (整句求譯) 8. The recommended plan (might cost) more, so you (may want) A B a cost analysis, but I (can assure) you that C last year it (will have) cost even more. D 錯誤是 D, 問: but 後面求譯 , D選項改 1. it cost even more 或 2. would have 9. Becase we can follow the pattern, trends may be spotted more easily, and plans for the future can be made more accurately. (整句求譯) 10. She (informed) the board that profits (would be up) soon and A B (they should) now give a bonus to the clerks who (should) recieved earlier. C D 問: give binus to the clerks who should received earlier 求譯 答案是D 如何改為正確? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: chamjo 來自: (10/23 16:37) ※ 編輯: chamjo 來自: (10/23 16:40)