精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Question Some classmates and I have already decided that we _______________ go to the Grand Canyon in Arizona after we graduate. (A) may (B) might (C) will (D) would 答案是C 可是我不知道為什麼用未來式!!?? 是因為最後那句" after we graduate"的關係嗎??@@ 還有可以大概跟我說that的用法嗎.. Question _______________ broke into Mr. Smith's house and stole everything, including earrings belonging to Mrs. Smith, who passed away two years ago. (A) Daniel who was (B) Daniel was who (C) It was Daniel who (D) Was Daniel 答案是C............為什麼A不行呢??@@" 改錯題: Question The factory A(where) a great quantity of color TV sets B(made) next year is now C(being built) D(in the southern) suburb of Shanghai. 答案是C 但要改成什麼呢?? 不好意思~~我的文法很差...@@" 先謝謝各位板友的幫忙!!~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pcjosh:2. 用A整句就沒有動詞了 12/15 10:38