精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. His efforts,which he claims are his best,would be less than satisfactory even to the least demanding person than myself. ___________________ 請問是把demanding 改成demandable嗎? 2.Please deliver an equipment to the cafeteria,which is located down the hall ____________ opposite to the elevator. 請問為什麼不能用an equipment? (其實我覺得這整句都沒錯....) 3.After receiving a hospital bill, the patient questioned an error in the charges and received the reimbursement from the hospital. _________________ 答案是the reimbursement錯, 難道不能把charge改為單數嗎? 4.The company has been losing the money because the plants are outdated ________ and the workers are overworked. 答案是the money錯....money前面不能加the嘛.... 5.The taxes to the government must be paid before the deadline; _________ otherwise there is apenalty. 為什麼這裡不能用the taxes呢? 6.The cash,which was bonus for being number one,totaled more than ^^^^^ the previous bonuses put together. 請問這裡為甚麼bonus錯? 難道前面要加甚麼冠詞嗎..... 因為已經查過文法書了 但對這些用法還是感到不解 感謝各位大大解答喔:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
djnospam:http://tinyurl.com/2lklqf 第13篇 10/31 11:33
ssin:感恩>///< 10/31 13:10
cattyy:2. 因為equipment是不可數名詞,不加the 10/31 17:28