精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Here are three questions 1. Yahoo's stock price (plunged) by nearly 22 percent Wednesday, making its largest one-day drop ever. 這裡EVER 真的常常聽到 可以問一下 這是什麼用法嬤? 2. Investors are trying to ( ) the extent to which the slowdown in the U.S. economy will lead to a broaser global downturn. 給大家練習一下! a) access b) excess c) assess d) assets 我想問一下 ( ) the extent to which 前面這個介係詞 To 我想很久還不懂?? 3. Japanese Telecom plans to raise about 1.4trillion yen ( ) securitizing the cash of its operation. a) for b) by 可以解釋一下 securitizing the cash of its operation? 謝謝 大家!! the answers will be revealed soon... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
outofdejavu:1. ever 強調 [its largest one-day drop],跟以前的 11/19 00:21
outofdejavu: 下跌的情況比起來,那次是最大的。 11/19 00:22
outofdejavu: => ever => 2 11/19 00:23
outofdejavu:2. ... the extent to which => which 指 the extent 11/19 00:24
outofdejavu: 有個片語是 to an extent 11/19 00:24
outofdejavu: 我選 3 11/19 00:25
outofdejavu:3. clash? 11/19 00:27
a8899276:2. (c) assess 只是那個to 放到後面 the extent to 11/19 08:22
a8899276:我比較習慣 to an extent 可以把TO 放到後面 我覺得很 11/19 08:23
a8899276:不習慣。 還有 我打錯一個字 broader 11/19 08:23
a8899276:3.(B) securitizing 這個字不好查 有人知道怎麼翻嗎? 11/19 08:25
a8899276:the cash of its operation==> 現金運作方式 (藉由) 11/19 08:26
a8899276:by securitizing (公債??) 11/19 08:26
wnwangster:不是the extent to do something 11/19 08:31
wnwangster:而是the extent "to which" something is done 11/19 08:31
outofdejavu:喔喔 我看錯了 把 securtizing 看成 scrutinizing 11/19 09:16
outofdejavu:更正 11/19 09:20
compress:3.(by) 藉由發行債券募集公司營運資經金? 11/19 09:43