精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.Sab consluting group is less expensive than jen consulting group and its work is (just) as reliable. 我選as well,想說第2家公司也很reliable. 2.MR.Wang's performance is far superior to (that) of his associates. 選項中還有this,those,these,感覺答案好像錯了 3.Cost projections for the next fiscal year should be submitted by the appropriate managers,as (indicated) on the chart below 選項中還有indicating,indicative,indicators 4.They were surprised when they knew that the standard for the safety of the product was much higher than (expected) 選項中還有expecting,expect,expectedly 5.(Oppostion) to the school's new assessment policy has brought together many preciously splintered student group. 選項中還有opposing,oppose,opposite 題目是不是出錯還是答案錯了?? 6.All personnel should be ready to produce their photo ID cards when (asked) to do so (of) a security guard. 這提答案是給of--by ,但是when後面不是要接asking嘛,是不是有兩個錯呢?? 7.The material (A:to be included) in the new advertising brochures (B:have to be checked) by the publicicity officer. 答案是B:have checked,我認為是A:改成which is included 是不是答案錯了呢?? 8.The rising cost of (A:housing) in major cities (B:has led to) a number of companies to relocate in rural areas. 答案是B:去掉to,但是未啥要去掉呢?lead to 導致,不是一個片語嘛,我認為A的 housing是錯的,填house,單純名詞用法. 9.(A:The highest cost) cost of international telephone services is leading many customers (B:to explore) other communication. 這題B就沒錯,是A:highest--higt.請問這兩題lead的用法有差嘛?? 謝謝大家看完這麼多題目,麻煩大家幫我解答一下,謝謝~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: SAMMY728:轉錄至看板 learnyf 10/15 06:06 ※ 編輯: SAMMY728 來自: (10/15 06:07)
djnospam:http://tinyurl.com/2kphop 10/15 07:19
SAMMY728:謝謝你~~~ 10/15 14:43