精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.Neither Sam Atkins (A)/nor/ Henry Miller, sales representatives for the company ,presented (B)/their/ summaries of sales (C)/before/ the deadline (D)/for doing so/. 這題好像很簡單。。。 可是我不懂為什麼B錯...= = 2.The director (A)/is casting/ actor Jill Cosby (B)/as a protagonist/ (C)/for/ the two upcoming blockbusters, both of (D)/them/ will be very successful. 這題自己寫對 答案是D 可是我不知道該怎麼改...只覺得怪怪的 3. It matters little who finds the truth _____ the truth is found. (A) because (B) so that (C) so long as (D) as 答案是A 這題的文意是什麼意思啊? 題目看不太懂 也就不知道該怎麼下筆 囧 麻煩大家了~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tsaiyingh:1. 我想是因為,那是company的summaries of sales. 12/01 12:08
tsaiyingh:或許可以用its 或都不加 12/01 12:08
tsaiyingh:3. 我想是因為the truth 已經被找到了,是誰找到得不重괠 12/01 12:09
tsaiyingh:是誰找到的 不重要 12/01 12:10
ambrosio:2. both of "which" , which functions as a conj. 12/01 13:08
ambrosio:and i doubt Q3's answer as (A), why not (B) 12/01 13:12
bigbuddha:neither A nor B is A and are singular, the verb 12/01 13:44
bigbuddha:#3 C is the right answer (if it were A, is->was 12/01 13:48
bigbuddha:although I would say "as long as" 12/01 13:48
bigbuddha:btw, why can't i type chinese today? 12/01 13:49
bigbuddha:(problem with the keyboard) 12/01 13:49
kev7428:轉錄至看板 TOEIC 12/01 17:30
wtt168:It matters little = It doesn't matter (that)........ 12/01 20:39
eluies:#1 neither nor兩者皆不是,主詞=no one,所有格=his 12/02 00:24
kev7428:懂了 謝謝大家 12/03 09:05