精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
since its inception,the bank has lent twenty-eight billion dollars;________ ,its membership has grown to include sixteen regional countries. A.thus B.on the whole C.in addition D.nevertheless 請問空格處該填什麼呢?? 謝謝回答!! ^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
outofdejavu:d 09/30 21:20
fizeau:可能借出的款項都還是outstanding....所以會員增加是異常 09/30 21:39
fizeau:請問一下呆帳怎麼說? overdue loan ? 09/30 21:41
cyrup:a bad debt 09/30 21:43
outofdejavu:呆帳應該是write-off 09/30 22:03
outofdejavu:抱歉write-off應該是消除的呆帳 09/30 22:07
djnospam:default 09/30 22:35
NINTENDO:所以一定要推論借出的款項是呆帳嗎? 09/30 23:22
windspir:為什麼不是C = = 10/01 15:48
mokia2424:答案是C沒錯啊 10/03 11:07