精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. They plan to reduce spending ____________ one million dollars. A)at B)by C)with D)of 答案是 B,請問是什麼意思?要怎麼翻譯? (他們計畫將花費減少至"少於"一百萬) 2. The last ___________ has made a bid. A)contractor B)contractive C)contraction D)contract 答案是A ,想請問怎麼翻譯 3. The __________ person for the job of the supervisor is the assistant manager. A) designation B) designator C) designated D) designative 答案是 C,想請問怎麼翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Archimage:1.他們計畫將花費減少一百萬 10/17 16:57
Archimage:2.最後一個承包商(已經下標(出價)了 10/17 16:58
Archimage:3管理者(上司)給指派的那個人的工作是副經理(協理) 10/17 17:00