精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hi! how r u guys' Chinese New Year going?(this is not my question, just say hello) honestly, I got some tricky questins and I need ur help!!! 1. A four-month investigation made it clear that America today is well into the kind of troubling world ______the most basic principles of privacy are under attack. (A) when (B) which (C) in which (D) wherever the answer is (C) in which means where, but I think the "world" is a thing I choose(B) How do u think? 2. The surgeon general's report ______that smokers create health risks for nearby nonsmokers has encouraged companies to promote smoke-free work environments.(A) asserting (B) asserts (C) asserted (D) has asserted Answer is (A) here "has encouraged" is used to describe "the surgeon..report why not "nonsmoker" and how about anwser (B)? 3.Please pack the boxes in wooden cases, five boxes per case which must have fireproof ____ waterproof linings.(A) with (B) so (C) and (D) but how about (C)?? 4.Many employees in this company cannot use computers; _____ in-service training is required. (A) on the whole (B) besides (C) consequently (D) and the answer is (C)consequently why not consider (B) 5. The habit of traveling long distances to work _______for the past decades due to the availability of mass-produced reasonably-priced cars. (A) is (B) was (C) has grown (D) had been the answer is (B) I think "For the past decades the habit of traveling long distances to work" is a real thing. It is true. How about(A) __ thanks for help!! thx! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
djnospam:5 -> (C) has grown 02/09 11:35
a8899276:the answe is (B) OK!!! 02/09 11:46
djnospam:It's wrong. 02/09 11:47
a8899276:you can say I have lived here for five years. right 02/09 11:54
a8899276:but here for the PAST decases, I think it's differen 02/09 11:54
a8899276:-t situation 02/09 11:55
djnospam:轉錄至看板 TOEIC 02/09 12:14
loveglad:推一樓 要有"增加"的趨勢才通順吧 02/10 00:48
djnospam:補充資料: http://pewebdic2.cw.idm.fr/ -> past(1,adj) 02/10 06:35
djnospam:-> 2 RECENT ... used to refer to a period up **until 02/10 06:35
djnospam:now**: ... Ex: She has been ...for the past few days. 02/10 06:36
djnospam:Ex. During the past two ......have died of .... 02/10 06:37
djnospam:並不是只能是"持續性的動詞"才能用現在完成式 02/10 06:38