精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. (A)/The engineers/ believe that (B)/the vehicle/ was not defective and (C)/that accident/ was the result of (D)/the driver's error/. 這題我一看到(B)就選了 vehicle不是交通工具的集合名詞嗎 @@? 答案是(C) 有去查了字典 說accident有可數跟不可數 這是怎麼回事= =? 2. (A)/Construction/ has begun (B)/on first/ of (C)/five structures/ scheduled to open in (D)/the spring/. 想請問這題 是要把on改成in嗎? 答案給的是B 3. (A)/City home buyers/ may be entitled to (B)/the refunds/ if (C)/their agents/ made (D)/errors/ on the contracts. 這題答案是(B) 想請問應該怎麼改才對 字典上說refund是可數名詞 可數不可數的觀念實在很弱啊~~~ 想不透該怎麼改好 4. (A)/Agreeing to sell/ most of its assets and eventually (B)/is phasing out/ the business , the firm will be (C)/merging/ with a (D)/newly formed/ corporation. 這...我覺得(B)跟(C)都錯耶 (C)不是應該要用will be merged才對嗎? 囧> (B)是要去掉is就好嗎? 整個語意不是很清楚 以上 麻煩各位高手了 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: kev7428:轉錄至看板 TOEIC 12/21 07:47