精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Hello I've got two questions about TOEIC Grammar (error recognition) (and sorry I have no idea why I can't type in Chinese at the moment ><) 1. His efforts, which he claims are his best, would be less than satisfactory even to the least demanding person than myself. ___________________ ___________ C D I understand that C should be the wrong one but how about D? Is it acceptable to use 'than myself' instead of 'than me'? 2. To not ask questions or to be too curious are bad qualities to have __________ _________________ ______ A B C and cause people miss out on promotions. ________ D The answer is D but I have two concerns: (1) What's the correct word/phrase for D? (2) When I check out the grammar book it says 'NOT' should be put in front of 'TO' to form a negative infinitive. But why is A correct? Thanks for your patience :D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
djnospam:1. Nothing wrong with "than myself". 01/11 05:42
djnospam:sara.natcorp.ox.ac.uk -> search: than myself 01/11 05:44
djnospam:2. http://pewebdic2.cw.idm.fr/ -> cause(2,verb) 01/11 05:45
djnospam:-> cause somebody/something to do something 01/11 05:46
djnospam:About "not": 用前頭的BNC查to not 出來相當多,以第一個 01/11 06:10
djnospam:為例: he admits to not having won any prizes or .... 01/11 06:11
djnospam:所以這種寫法沒問題。 01/11 06:12
djnospam:Ooops. 那例子不好,我另外找 01/11 06:15
djnospam:http://dunchee.english.tw/post/18/1369 01/11 06:41