精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.When does the plane from Paris come in? A.Since nine this morning. B.The flight is about ten hours. C.It arrives in 30 minutes.(正解) 為什麼答案不能是A阿? c的arrives是不是要用過去式阿 2.Shall we send the fax to your office? A.Yes, I need all the facts I can get. B.Yes, do you still have the number.(正解) C.No, send it by express mail, please. c選項不行的原因是? 麻煩各位版友 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kubadtz:1.is asking what time is the plane arriving but ur 12/12 09:34
kubadtz:answer A. is replying that it has already arrived 12/12 09:35
kubadtz:C.'s arrives doesnt need to be past tense 12/12 09:35
kubadtz:2. i rem its choose the best answer that responds to 12/12 09:36
kubadtz:the question. look at the sentence this way. 12/12 09:37
kubadtz:they asking if they should send the fax to THE office 12/12 09:38
kubadtz:OR implying that maybe should they fax it to another 12/12 09:38
kubadtz:place 12/12 09:39
kubadtz:so B reply's yes, send it to the office, do u still 12/12 09:40
kubadtz:have the number 12/12 09:40
kubadtz:C.isnt a wrong reply but inthis case B is the prefered 12/12 09:41
kubadtz:dunno if this helps you understand~ 12/12 09:42