精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《veronica18 (veronica)》之銘言: : Hello I've got two questions about TOEIC Grammar (error recognition) : (and sorry I have no idea why I can't type in Chinese at the moment ><) : 1. His efforts, which he claims are his best, would be less than : satisfactory even to the least demanding person than myself. : ___________________ ___________ : C D : I understand that C should be the wrong one but how about D? : Is it acceptable to use 'than myself' instead of 'than me'? 應該是than I喔... : 2. To not ask questions or to be too curious are bad qualities to have : __________ _________________ ______ : A B C : and cause people miss out on promotions. : ________ : D : The answer is D but I have two concerns: : (1) What's the correct word/phrase for D? : (2) When I check out the grammar book it says 'NOT' should be put : in front of 'TO' to form a negative infinitive. But why is A correct? : Thanks for your patience :D 答案也許有錯喔~要不要多CHECK一次 也許提供的解答有錯也不 一定 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: