精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. _____ the rain is expected, everything is ready for the grand opening of the gallery (A) Except that (B)According to (C)Since (D)Aside from 我選B 可是答案是A 囧 改錯題: 2.If you (A)/would have/ studied the problem more (B)/carefully/, you would (C)/have found/ the solution (D)/more/ quickly. 這邊我不太懂A跟C之間對錯要如何判定 答案是A = = 3. (A)/With/ the advent of satellite transmission of photographs of the (B)/earth's atmosphere/,forecasting the weather has become a (C)/relative/ exact (D)/science/. 這題我不懂為什麼C錯...ADJ+N 也錯喔? 囧> 程度不好 煩請各位先進解惑。。。 謝謝大家 Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
diacord1012:應該是relatively,形容exact,exact形容science 11/30 18:42
diacord1012:第一題刪去法可刪B,因為後面是完整子句 11/30 18:44
gemmata:這是與過去事實相反的假設 If+S+had pp,S+would+have+pp 11/30 21:25
gemmata:所以(A)應該是had^^ 11/30 21:28
gemmata:我在說第二題 11/30 21:29
Rebroff:為何第一題不能用D? 我沒法解釋... 11/30 22:39
djnospam:"aside from"接名詞(片語),不是接子句 11/30 23:46
kev7428:感謝回答 所以第一題只是單純挑能接子句的囉? 12/01 09:38
kev7428:B.C都只能接片語 D跟時態不合 是這樣嗎 12/01 09:38