精華區beta FITNESS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Aerobics 看板] 作者: MariaChen (Give Me Love) 看板: Aerobics 標題: BodyAttack 講師 Bevan 的新聞稿(中譯) 時間: Tue Sep 29 00:25:15 2009 原文發在: http://twmariachen.blogspot.com/2009/09/bodyattack-bevan.html Bevan James Eyles 是 Les Mills 的講師 幾次來台我有幸幫他翻譯過 BodyPump(我那時一邊新訓一邊口譯)和 RPM(純口譯) 他主要是 BodyAttack 指導員 http://www.lesmills.co.nz/gfi_details.cfm?&gfiid=266 在奧克蘭 Les Mills 大本營教 RPM BodyPump、BodyStep、BodyAttack 等 課外有在比鐵人 在 Podcast 開電台講分享鐵人的訓練 兼職模特兒(之前他說的)、和玩音樂 是一個笑口常開的大帥哥 我覺得這個運動的態度很好,跟「目的型」很不一樣 於是跟他要來翻譯,想要給更多人看 ------------ Hey everyone 嘿,大夥兒: Here's my latest piece for the Press newspaper: 這是我替「時報」寫的最新文章。 A few years ago I won a fitness industry award. As part of my glory, I was asked to do an interview with TV3. You know the type of interview, 'six tips on how to lose weight for summer' (Oh the summer dream). As we were preparing for the interview, I started chatting with the interviewer. She asked me one of those questions fitness instructors dread; "What's the best exercise for losing weight?" I could tell she was slightly disappointed with my answer, (reinforced by the fact that she asked me the same question two more times within the next forty minutes). The answer I gave her was this: "The best exercise for losing weight is the exercise you love doing". She obviously wanted me to be more specific, so she asked me about running. I questioned if she enjoyed running, to which she replied 'not really, but I heard that it's the best way to drop weight'. She had a good point here. The right type of running is a great way of losing weight, but if she didn't like running, I doubt that she would do it. 幾年前,我獲頒了個健身產業的獎項。因為這榮耀,第3頻道邀我做採訪。 你知道,就那種「6個訣竅減重一『夏』(喔仲夏夜之夢吧)」的採訪。在 準備時,我跟採訪記者聊了起來。她問了我那種體適能指導員最害怕的問 題之一:「減重的最佳運動是什麼?」我看得出來,她對我的答案有點兒 失望(失望很明顯,因為接下來的40分鐘內,同樣的問題她又多問了2次)。 我給她的答案是:「減重的最佳運動,就是做妳愛做的運動。」顯然她希望 我講更精確點兒,就問我「跑步」這運動。我反問她是否喜歡跑步,她回 道:「不太喜歡,但我聽說跑步是最佳的減重運動。」她的話是有道理,正 確地跑是減重的好運動,但她並不喜歡跑步,所以我懷疑她是否真會去跑。 Is there one exercise that is better than another when it comes to losing weight? Of course there is, but exercise is more about behavior than specific exercises. If you hate running, it takes a lot of motivation to get out there and run. If you can find a movement that you love, there is a much better chance that you will include it in your life. 是否真有特定運動的減重效果優於其他運動的呢?當然有,但「運動」比較 像是「行為」、沒那麼像「特定運動」。如果妳討厭跑步,就得有很大的動 力才能讓妳出門跑步。如果妳能找到一個喜歡的「活動」,妳把這個活動納 入生活一部分的機會就更大。 When you love a movement you don't want to read a magazine while you're working out, you want to extend your physical limits and experience the highs within your body that comes with this. This is when you get physical change! A shift in thought is needed - instead of trying to find an exercise or movement to achieve a physical result, try to find a one you enjoy, and the physical results will follow. 如果妳喜歡一個「活動」,運動時妳就不會想要讀雜誌,而會想要延伸妳的 體能上限、體驗這個運動帶給妳的快樂。這時,就達到了身體的改變!這必 須要有思想上的改變:找一個「喜歡」的運動或活動,而非尋找有特定體能 效果的運動,那體能效果自然而然就會呈現! If you are unsure of an exercise you love, spend a couple months just trying different physical activities. Write down a list of activities that you think you may enjoy based on what you know about yourself, and then commit to 'just giving them a try'. At the end of this period you'll find one exercise that you want to keep doing, because you love it. 如果妳不知道自己喜歡什麼運動,那麼花個幾個月去嘗試不同的運動。就妳 對自己所知,寫下可能會喜歡的運動列表,然後去「試試看就好」。這段實 驗期後,你會找到一個持續的運動,因為妳喜歡這個運動。 Bevan James Eyles -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
melkor:的確很有道理@@" 09/29 04:48
cursedsoul:就是將運動融入成生活的一部分,甚至成了信仰的意思吧? 09/29 20:43
acecup:說得好,我不喜歡跑步,常撐不了半小時,但是可以從台北火車站 09/30 20:37
acecup:走到關渡,大概就是這個意思 09/30 20:38
post01:參考一下!謝謝! http://www.94istudy.com 11/19 11:18