精華區beta FORMULA1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A Grand Prix more lucrative than any other sport NFL and Baseball beat Formula One in total revenues 一場F1的比賽是世界上最賺錢的體育活動 A Formula One Grand Prix is the most lucrative single sports event on earth. 地球上單一一場的體育活動中, F1大獎賽是最賺錢的。 That is the finding of the annual F1 business and financial guide, Formula Money, and experts Deloitte Sport Business. 這是下列兩者的結論: F1年度商業財務指引Formula Money 和財務專家Deloitte Sport Business They report that every Grand Prix generates about $230m - nearly ten times more than the next lucrative single sports events, American NFL football matches. 一場F1比賽可以產出大約 兩億三千萬美元 的產值。 大約是第二名,一場NFL比賽的10倍左右。 However, both the NFL ($6.5bn) and America's Major League Baseball ($5.1bn) earn more overall annual revenue than Formula One ($3.9bn), because more events are staged each year. 不過在總金額上, NFL的 65億美金 還有MLB的 51億美金 則是超過F1的 39億美金。 English Premier League football comes next, with $3bn. 英超則是第四名,30億美金。 For F1, Deloitte Sport Business combined sponsorship revenue, corporate hospitality, broadcast fees and team, circuit and ticket revenue. F1的收入有以下這些 贊助商收入,企業消費,轉撥費用,以及車隊賽道和票務收入。 ---- 原文連結 http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/080613100352.shtml ---- 數字會說話。 -- 不喜勿入 www.wretch.cc/blog/ToeicRobert -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cjyroger:場數 和隊伍數量 也是總金額多的原因吧 不過f1真是$$$$ 06/14 17:33
doublefat:讚同樓上,場數和隊伍數量當分母的話 F1可以超燒-.- 06/14 22:55