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Ecclestone: Schumacher is replaceable 25 February 2006 If rumours that Michael Schumacher may quit Formula 1 at the end of 2006 turn out to be true, the sport's popularity will not go down. That's the claim of F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone. "No driver, no person will ever be bigger than Formula 1 itself. It would take two or three races, then we'd have a new superstar", the British billionaire told the German magazine Sport Bild in their most recent motorsport issue. 如果大舒在2006年賽季結束後可能退出F1的乳摸成真的話,F1的受歡迎程 度將不會受影響而下降。白髮老怪宣稱:「沒有什麼車手比F1本身還要更巨大 更了不得。頂多花個2、3場比賽,然後我們就有了新的巨星誕生囉」這個A錢 不眨眼的英國佬就最近賽車運動的事情接受德國的雜誌Sport Bild訪問時如此 表示。 好人M小插句話:沒有什麼車手是不能被取代的,白髮老怪是輪椅老怪上身啦?XD Ecclestone sees Nelson Piquet Jr. and Finland's Heikki Kovalainen as possible future superstars. Fernando Alonso, already a world champion now, is not on Bernie's list. Neither is he happy with the Spaniard's switch to McLaren in 2007, which was already announced at the end of last year. "To me, it was the right way to handle when Ron Dennis did not talk to Flavio Briatore before announcing the deal. That was just plain stupid." 白髮老怪認為小Piquet和芬蘭的小科 (Renault目前的第3車手)將是可能的 未來巨星。已經是現任世界冠軍的小新二代目卻沒在白髮老怪的未來巨星名單 上。同時白髮老怪對於小新二代目在去年底宣布轉隊到邁凱輪非常不高興。「 當這項交易被宣布前,跑等你死沒跟黑面蔡先會談知會過,因此對我來說不悅 才是對這件事最好的看待和處理方式」 Meanwhile, Michael Schumacher himself does not seem to think about retiring just yet. The German is keen on getting back the title that he had to give up last year. "I trained the whole winter. In other years, I gave myself a little break after the end of the season. I want the title back." 然而大舒本人看來卻似乎還沒有要退休的打算。德國佬目前熱切地想要奪 回去年他失去的世界冠軍「整個冬季我都在訓練。在以往的年代,我在賽季結 束後都會給自己放個小假休息一下。我想要奪回世界冠軍的頭銜」 At least for now, 'Schumi' still enjoys being an F1 driver - even with the new, less powerful V8 engines. "The new engine is really a lot of fun. The engine's power can be transferred directly, as it's not as high." 至少到目前為止,大舒仍舊享受作為1個F1車手的樂趣 - 即使是現在用上 了全新但是馬力較弱的V8引擎「新的引擎真的帶來許多的樂趣。引擎的動力可 以直接傳輸」 資料來源:F1 Racing 不負責亂翻:是一個大好人的M小 強者大姐快重出江湖啊!小的翻譯得很辛苦 Orz -- Mika Hakkinen -- Born: September 28, 1968 F1 driver: 1991-2001 Career: 20 wins, 51 podium finishes, 26 poles, 25 fastest laps, 420 points 1998 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 100 points (8 wins, 11 podium finishes, 9 poles, 6 fastest laps) 1999 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 76 points (5 wins, 10 podium finishes, 11 poles, 6 fastest laps) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
mozunato:大舒遲早會退休呀 Jordan也不是一樣退休了 02/26 01:46
mozunato:但少了大舒(Jordan),也要有其他巨星崛起才行 02/26 01:47
randallwoo:乳摸是吧?! M大你連在F1版也可以西斯 @@||| 02/26 01:57
phoenix0921:推乳摸 02/26 05:09
squall304:乳摸是rumour的諧音啦 02/26 07:21
ArchRanger:看來不只我 好多人都愣了^^;; 02/26 08:15
mstifosi829:是阿,看到都傻眼。@@ 02/26 10:32
aceliang:........乳摸......... 02/26 12:16
MikaHakkinen:NBA相關板的翻譯常用乳摸啊 XD 02/26 13:36
ithan:我倒覺得每個車手都是不可被取代的~管他是不是世界冠軍 02/26 14:00