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http://tinyurl.com/ra4m7 Toro Rosso車隊老闆Gerhard Berger計畫最快在今年後半季 啟用Senna的姪子Bruno Senna出賽 ..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. Bruno是目前英國F3冠軍................... 不與置評...... 不過我覺得最好還是讓他參加一季GP2 Nelson Piquet Jr也一起進來吧 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
corlos:可以去超醜磨一磨啊,日本人也很喜歡Senna 05/17 21:50
※ 編輯: MerinoSheep 來自: (05/17 21:51)
mstar:日本人票選百位歷史名人中,洗拿排名第 22 哩 05/17 22:14
zoojan:Jhon Sena 05/17 22:20
f6487:樓上那個名字有點像WWE的??? 05/17 22:23
u1302094:!!! 05/17 22:52
Lipatti:Bruno實在跑得並不怎麼樣 還是先到A1磨練一下吧... 05/18 02:12
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: MikaHakkinen (丟臉可恥跌股出醜去死好꘩ 看板: FORMULA1 標題: Re: [情報]「Senna」這個名字有可能即將再度出現在 … 時間: Wed May 17 23:23:03 2006 ※ 引述《MerinoSheep (美麗奴羊)》之銘言: : http://tinyurl.com/ra4m7 : Toro Rosso車隊老闆Gerhard Berger計畫最快在今年後半季 : 啟用Senna的姪子Bruno Senna出賽 ..╮(﹋﹏﹌)╭.. : Bruno是目前英國F3冠軍................... : 不與置評...... 不過我覺得最好還是讓他參加一季GP2 : Nelson Piquet Jr也一起進來吧 XD 上個月的舊報導: F3 - Bruno Senna dominates Double win for Senna at Oulton Park http://f1.racing-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/060418141740.shtml Back in 1983, Oulton Park was something of a jinx circuit for Ayrton Senna on his march to the British Formula 3 Championship crown - he failed to finish either of his two races there, and in one of them had a large accident with Martin Brundle. The great man could scarcely have imagined that, 23 years later, his nephew would put that record straight with two wins out of two, to make a dream start to his own British F3 title campaign. This was a stunning weekend for Bruno Senna, who led both races from start to finish in his Raikkonen Robertson Racing Dallara-Mercedes at the start of what is only his second full season in single-seater racing. Senna began the weekend in style with pole position for the first race, although he was narrowly edged out by team-mate Mike Conway in qualifying for the second race. "From qualifying I knew we had very good pace," he said. "In the second session I went out on new tyres from the start, whereas Mike had his fitted halfway through the session. Then the circuit got quicker, but I had made mistakes anyway on my quick laps. But for my second year of motor racing, pole and second is not too bad!" Senna converted his first-race pole into an immediate lead, while Stephen Jelley, in another of the Raikkonen Robertson Dallara-Mercs, chased him all the way. Bruno narrowly missed out on fastest lap to Jelley, but he wasn't helped by having to endure no less than three safety-car periods. He managed them perfectly. "You always have to keep getting the advantage again and again and again, but I got three good restarts. I made sure Stephen was on the brakes when I was on the power, and he always had Oliver Jarvis behind him to worry about." Win number two came when he beat the slow-starting Conway to the first corner. While Conway spent the whole race bottled up behind second-placed Christian Bakkerud, Senna pulled away imperiously to win by 7.3 seconds - and he got fastest lap this time as well. "With Oulton Park being so difficult to pass on, the intention was to win the start and stay in front ," said Bruno. "I did that in both races and managed the races from there. Everyone at the team worked hard to have everything ready for the start of the season, so we knew we'd be quick, but to win both races was a bit of a surprise!" 資料來源:f1-live ========================================================================== Senna最疼愛的姪子Bruno Senna在英國F3的開幕站Oulton Park 2回合比賽中2戰 2勝。 文章一開頭是講古,介紹一下Senna在1983年未能取得英國F3冠軍的往事,未能 取下的原因是他在Oulton Park的2回合中都沒能完賽,其中一回合還是跟後來也成為 F1車手的Martin Brundle (現任ITV的F1轉播車評,去銅猴看過比賽的一定都聽過他 的聲音和轉播),而Senna大概沒辦法想像23年後自己最鍾愛的姪子在Oulton Park的 2回合中全勝,完成了當年他未竟的夢想,而在今年的英國F3有了很棒的開始。 後面就是介紹這兩回合比賽的一些經過情形。 網頁的照片是Bruno跟Gerhard Berger的合照。在Senna死後,Bruno的賽車生涯 也因此而停頓,後來是Berger (他在1990-1992年是Senna在McLaren的隊友)說服Bruno 的家人支持Bruno重新投入賽車生涯。 Bruno Senna現在效力於英國F3的Raikkonen Robertson Racing Dallara-Mercedes 車隊,這是由冰滷蛋和合夥人共同運作的車隊。 期待有一天他也能站上F1的舞台,加油 :) ps. Bruno Senna長得也是一表人才啊 (羞) http://www.f1total.com/news/images/8489.jpg
看來Berger大叔有打算要走黑面蔡路線喔 :) -- Mika Hakkinen -- Born: September 28, 1968 F1 driver: 1991-2001 Career: 20 wins, 51 podium finishes, 26 poles, 25 fastest laps, 420 points 1998 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 100 points (8 wins, 11 podium finishes, 9 poles, 6 fastest laps) 1999 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 76 points (5 wins, 10 podium finishes, 11 poles, 6 fastest laps) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: MikaHakkinen 來自: (05/17 23:25) ※ 編輯: MikaHakkinen 來自: (05/17 23:27)
fatarm:KIMI的車隊@@ 05/17 23:34
sequence:唔!有帥到... (笑起來的神韻跟senna很相似) 05/17 23:36
chrissuen: 有帥到... 05/18 00:10
elduque: 有帥到... 05/18 01:13
kmaster:扛著Senna這個偉大的姓氏,壓力還真是大呀! 05/18 01:36
ohwahahaha:那...rothmans也要不要一起跟著回來勒XDDDD 05/18 01:39
MollyPisces: 有像到... 05/18 06:27
Ecclestone:好懷念四大天王的時光 Nelson Piquet Jr., Bruno Senna 05/22 12:30
Ecclestone:Mansell, Alain Prost的兒子也快來跑吧.. 05/22 12:31
Ecclestone:還有Nico Rosberg說 名師二代目快要成行了 05/22 12:31