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Abramovich and Ecclestone Russian Grand Prix back on the horizon 23/05/06 10:29 Roman Abramovich is reportedly breathing new life into plans for a Grand Prix in Russia. 據報導阿不拉計畫推動F1的俄國分站。 The Russian billionaire, owner of the Chelsea football club, is 'close to clinching' a deal with Bernie Ecclestone, who is also keen on the idea of a Moscow race, according to the Mirror newspaper. 根據「鏡報」的報導,這位俄國的億萬富豪,同時也是英超Chelsea的老闆 ,與非常期望F1在莫斯科比賽的白髮老怪已經「接近達成協議」了。 "(Abramovich) is believed to have discussed his plans for a new circuit with the city's Mayor Yuri Luzhkov," the report said. 報導表示:「阿不拉據信已就他的新賽道計畫提出與莫斯科市長Yuri Luzhkov 討論。」 In the past, Abramovich, a keen F1 fan, was linked with possible purchases of the former Minardi and Jordan teams, and was often spotted in GP paddocks. 在過去,阿不拉這位熱情的F1車迷,和Minardi與Jordan等車隊的買賣都有 牽扯,也經常成為F1圍場裡的焦點。 Ecclestone, who once came close to pulling off a Moscow race, said last year: "Countries like Russia and places like Moscow are important to us." 白髮老怪去年曾表示:「像俄國這樣的國家與莫斯科這樣的地方對我們來說是很 重要的。」 資料來源:f1-live 隨便翻翻:DamonHill ========================================================================== 小道消息,大家看看參考一下就好。 -- Damon Hill F1 driver: 1992-1999 Career: 22 wins, 42 podium finishes, 20 poles, 19 fastest laps, 360 points 1996 F1: Williams Renault, World Champion, 97 points (8 wins, 10 podium finishes, 9 poles) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DamonHill 來自: (05/23 17:24)
heavygauge:阿布又想買新玩具了嗎 05/23 18:25
zebirlin:F1能裝雪胎跑嗎? 那就真的拉力化了 05/23 19:45
Himetsuki:至少有F1, 克宮的老大們不敢動他... 05/23 21:59
Himetsuki:現在的俄國可以是錢就是一切.... O_o" 05/23 22:00
bluehope:除了雨天現在要來個雪地胎了..P牌或許可以考慮拿WRC技術ꠠ 05/23 22:46
Micccc:我認識一位朋友也叫做阿布拉XD 一模一樣耶~~~ 05/23 23:55
phoenix0921:白髮老怪最後一句可以翻譯成錢對我們來說是很重要的.. 05/24 01:08
maegsirien:CF裡面的莫斯科街道賽要成真了嗎?XDDDDD 05/24 04:45
SUCKERKING:P牌在WRC被M牌打的亂七八糟 05/24 13:42