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Minardi two-seaters still going strong 20 June 2006 Following a strong response to the recent announcement that Formula One fans would have the opportunity to purchase a passenger ride in a Minardi F1x2 car at the Hungaroring, on August 23-24, the Ledbury-based team investigated the possibility of staging a programme at Silverstone, on July 13. Before the event was publicised, however, it had sold out, encouraging F1x2 team owner, Paul Stoddart, and his enthusiastic crew to consider staging a second Silverstone programme, later in the year, in order to cater for the obvious demand. 對於F1的車迷可以有機會在8月23、24日可以在Hungaroring付費乘坐Minardi 雙座賽車所引起的廣大迴響,Minardi決定推動在7月13日於銀石賽道舉辦同樣的 活動。然而在這項活動公開之前,機會已經銷售一空,鼓舞了Paul Stoddart和他 充滿熱情的團隊考慮在銀石推動第二次的活動以回應明顯的需求。 Individual passenger rides at Silverstone and the Hungaroring are on an "arrive-and-ride" basis. The per-lap charge is based on the length of the circuit, and also covers a portion of event costs, including such essentials as operating staff, tyres, fuel and engine mileage. A single-lap ride around Silverstone is priced at £1,500, two laps at £2,250, and a three-lap ride, at £3,000. There are still some places available on the Hungaroring programme. Drivers for the event will be Zsolt Baumgartner, Patrick Friesacher, Chanoch Nissany and team owner, Paul Stoddart. 於銀石和Hungaroring的活動是採"arrive-and-ride",每圈的收費視賽道的 長度與必要的開支如運作團隊、輪胎、燃料和引擎哩程數而定。繞銀石一趟的單 圈是1500元英鎊 (台票89917元),兩圈是2250元英鎊 (台票134875元),3圈則是 3000元英鎊 (台票179834元)。目前在Hungaroring的活動還有一些名額。活動方 面的服務車手將是兩位前Minardi的正式車手「那個B什麼的車手」和Friesacher 、Minardi的爺爺籍TD俄國車手Chanoch Nissany和車隊老闆Paul Stoddart。 資料來源:F1 Racing 隨便翻翻,新警察M ====================================================================== 有閒錢又有空的可以去報名。 又,千萬不要乘坐Paul Stoddart開的F1賽車,當年他試駕自家車隊的賽車, 跑沒幾圈就衝出賽道掰掰了。 -- Mika Hakkinen -- Born: September 28, 1968 F1 driver: 1991-2001 Career: 20 wins, 51 podium finishes, 26 poles, 25 fastest laps, 420 points 1998 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 100 points (8 wins, 11 podium finishes, 9 poles, 6 fastest laps) 1999 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 76 points (5 wins, 10 podium finishes, 11 poles, 6 fastest laps) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
issor:M大又裝小朋友....XDDDD 06/20 23:57
lwecloud:這價錢...(噴茶) 06/20 23:58
※ 編輯: MikaHakkinen 來自: (06/21 00:01)
Baumgartner:B車手果然是只有當Driver的命 XD 06/21 00:05
GianniJiang:三圈價格......實在是......寧可去酒店玩三天...... 06/21 00:35
NymaB:三圈可以買一台重機了... 06/21 01:55
CGary:話說不算昂貴阿.....可以過過癮... 06/21 02:07
kai3368:四圈就可以買台重機了 ... 不過對車迷來說這蠻便宜的吧 06/21 05:54
adamcc:三樓的我要坐你的車 06/21 13:24
Photobiotic:不到二十萬可以買什麼重機..重機有這麼便宜就好囉.. 06/21 13:55
awelljack:這種價錢在國外還不如租台超跑自已開還比較爽 06/21 16:33
KimiMika:可是或許一生中只能坐到這一次 XD 06/21 19:24