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udi, again, rule out F1 programme F1 too far away from real life 22/08/06 09:26 German car brand Audi has once again denied perpetual speculation that it, or parent group Volkswagen, could one day soon enter Formula One. The latest whisper in F1 circles was that the pair was considering buying independent engine supplier Cosworth as an attractive route into the sport, but Audi Sport boss Dr Wolfgang Ullrich said the marque is still not interested in F1. "It is not a topic for us," he was quoted as saying by the Salzburger Nachrichten newspaper. Audi, with successful programmes in Le Mans and DTM, is the highest profile car maker involved in the upper echelons of world motor sport but not Formula One. But Ullrich said the lower racing categories are better for Audi in terms of 'technology transfer' to its road cars. Even the cost-cutting rule changes and impending engine 'freeze' is of no interest to Audi, with Ullrich insisting: "An engine with 18,000 or 20,000 rpm is too far away from what you need in real life." 資料來源:f1-live ========================================================================== 針對最近傳出Audi可能把Cosworth吃下來作為進軍F1的跳板,Audi賽事部門的 頭頭Wolfgang Ullrich博士表示Audi或是母集團VW目前都沒有進軍F1的打算。 Ullrich博士表示,對Audi來說,參加較低階的賽事如Le Mans或DTM更適合將技 術轉移至市售車上。同時F1弄出有助於削減成本的規則改變和凍結引擎研發的計畫 讓Audi興趣缺缺,何況搞出18000-20000轉的引擎和現實中所需要的狀況也背離太 多。 Audi在其他賽事跑得好好的,Le Mans輕輕鬆鬆電人家4圈,也不見得有必要來 F1把錢丟進無底洞囉! -- Damon Hill F1 driver: 1992-1999 Career: 22 wins, 42 podium finishes, 20 poles, 19 fastest laps, 360 points 1996 F1: Williams Renault, World Champion, 97 points (8 wins, 10 podium finishes, 9 poles) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: DamonHill 來自: (08/22 16:08)
Ecclestone:我覺得Le Mans 24H地位更高呢 而且一年只有一場 08/22 16:56
MikaHakkinen:問題是Le Mans沒辦法像F1取得同樣的收視和重視 08/22 18:41
zebirlin:所以相對的Le Mans也不像F1那麼燒錢阿..audi維持低調就好 08/22 22:26
MikaHakkinen:所以反正就是VW跟Audi沒興趣就是了 08/23 02:54
tonyatta:應該趕快把錢丟在SKODA比較有用... Skoda現在就是個orz 08/23 14:50