精華區beta FORMULA1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
賊個美國車手 從去年加入F1第一場比賽就漢人吵架 今年賽季還沒開始 到很晚 Toro Rosso才確定繼續簽他 好像今年吧?...@@" 聽說 感覺他不是很用心在跑 (不過Liuzzi好像也沒好到哪..........=.=||) 跟他槓上的 除了DC, Kimi還有誰? 以前比較有名 幾個戶看不爽的 JPM vs MSC MSC vs Damon Hill MSC vs JV Senna vs Prost vs Nelson Piquet vs Nigel Mansell DC vs Alonso Ralf Schumacher vs Alonso Fisico vs JV ............ 請補充........XD -- On a given day, a given circumstance, you think you have a limit. And you then go for this limit and you touch this limit, and you think, "Okay, this is the limit." As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you seddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna da Silva -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
AEM:DC vs MSC? DC有對他比過中指 XD 04/15 05:10
maegsirien:總裁~FISICO 跟 JV 是好朋友喔! 04/15 07:08
maegsirien:Fisico自己也說去年歐洲站的風波不會影響他們的交情~ 04/15 07:08
blackghost27:DC vs MSC 這個太經典了! 98 spa差點幹架...XDXD 04/15 07:23
pow:Speed以他美國人的血統 看不爽他的人可多了 04/15 09:05
maxlovesviva:不過MSC跟DC後來好像有何好?? 感覺之後都沒有戶嗆阿 04/15 10:42
maegsirien:大概兩個年紀都大了吧....(茶) 04/15 10:56
forgetta:MS場外後來變得很溫和 DC掉飛機以後感覺看得很開XD 04/15 11:25
epmud:DC應該是後來變得很奇怪吧XD 04/15 12:21
chrissuen:JPM感覺跟他隊友感情都不太好,不過沒有互嗆就是了 XD 04/15 13:40
imprezasti:前三行看起來.. MS真是顧人怨.. XD 04/15 15:27
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: YukiAmami (Maddie Hayes) 看板: FORMULA1 標題: Re: [閒聊] Scott Speed 時間: Sun Apr 15 04:40:02 2007 ※ 引述《Ecclestone (Freude am Fahren)》之銘言: : 賊個美國車手 : 從去年加入F1第一場比賽就漢人吵架 : 今年賽季還沒開始 到很晚 Toro Rosso才確定繼續簽他 好像今年吧?...@@" : 聽說 感覺他不是很用心在跑 (不過Liuzzi好像也沒好到哪..........=.=||) : 跟他槓上的 : 除了DC, Kimi還有誰? : 以前比較有名 幾個戶看不爽的 : JPM vs MSC : MSC vs Damon Hill : MSC vs JV : Senna vs Prost vs Nelson Piquet vs Nigel Mansell : DC vs Alonso : Ralf Schumacher vs Alonso : Fisico vs JV : ............ : 請補充........XD Gilles Villeneuve vs, Pironi 由來:1982年聖馬利諾站,Pironi違反TO超掉GV。 Alesi vs. 特努力 由來:1998、1999連續兩年在加拿大站撞在一起。 名言:"I made another good start the second time, but then Irvine moved accross and his wheel hit my nose and took it off. Then I felt another bump and suddenly I had Trulli sitting on top of me. Each time there was nothing that I could do," - 1998年加拿大站 "What can I say? In the past we had no rules, and drivers could zigzag and block and nothing was done. But now we have a Commission which watches us specifically, to see that what we do is corect. I don't know what happened to Trulli before he hit me, and I don't particularly care, but every start it seems he does something like this. There are people whose job it is to judge drivers like this, and it is time that they give them some really heavy sentences. - 1999年加拿大站 Johnny Herbert vs. Ralf 由來:1997年義大利站 名言:得知頭又大以千萬年薪簽下Ralf,Johnny Herbert諷刺地說: 「很難想像他值千萬。對我來說他是個只值100元的車手!」 數位相機 vs. Massa 由來:2005年聖馬利諾站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ivanlendl&article_id=1762846 為啥我也在講古?Orz -- 要打倒特權的,往往會變成另一個特權 要推翻專制的,可能會形成另一種專制 若是過度被神話,以後就會極端被厭惡 若是被賦予愈多的光環和權力,日後必定會腐化的愈厲害 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: YukiAmami 來自: (04/15 04:43) ※ 編輯: YukiAmami 來自: (04/15 04:43) ※ 編輯: YukiAmami 來自: (04/15 04:46)
JPMontoya:人只要道一定歲數都會講古 04/15 08:42
maxlovesviva:等等M大會來PO文吧...XD 04/15 10:42
timku:推!! 我喜歡這種的講古文~~ 04/15 13:37
MikaHakkinen:有人叫我嗎?其實我已經po了耶 XD 04/15 14:02
giaour:M大分身真多....XD 04/15 15:04