精華區beta Fahrenheit 關於我們 聯絡資訊
既然沒有人PO 那我就先PO為強囉XD 阿尊今天更新相簿 也打了新文章 http://www.fahrenciti.com/blog.chun.read.493 Happy Chinese New Year, GONG XI FA CAI and 紅包拿來... hahaa! Woo Hoooo... It‘s my favourite time of the year again because it’s Chinese New Year :-) Right from the beginning of year 2010, I had such a tight schedule, did so much traveling and experienced so much! Am I happy with that? Oh yeah... Definitely! First of all, the Asia Star Award in Korea is a big motivation for me this year ... Next, our Fahrenheit activities in many cities whereby we had so much fun with all of you! And then jobs keep piling up with my movie promotional activities with you guys giving me 'so so so' much support... Majority turned up at the activities giving me power while some of you giving me spiritual support through the web! Furthermore, I am so touched to see my fans club gathered with so many members watching the movie and at the same time , contributing a portion of the ticket sales to charity...Like me, you guys love to go for that 'extra mile' huh? I am so proud of you guys... Simply awesome :-) Honestly, these 2 months has really been tiring for me! It was the 1st time thinking that I'm not superman anymore... haha! There isn't much energy left for me physically and mentally and I guess most of you have noticed this from my tiredness :-) Finally, I could take a break now and I came to realise and notice one thing recently - Being busy, stressful or tired is a good thing and its something that we can overcome and should not be afraid to experience at all! It's not easy but I think going through difficult tasks let people feel being contented more easily! 有辛苦才有幸福, right? TRY IT :-) Of course, I'm a little more fortunate than you guys because during my 辛苦的 過程中,I have my super guardian angels giving me power endlessly! 你們真的給 我很多幸福... Thanks so much and i appreciate the love and support you guys gave me and I hope to return by giving more happiness to all of you too :-) I had a feeling that things will go well for me this year and i am going to cherish every moments and do my best and hopefully, i wont let you all down ok :-) 我們一起加油, 一起給彼此無限的力量! Happy Valentine's day and I love u all :-) Quote to share A new year, a new and better 'YOU' ! - 阿尊都打英文阿~~~ 可惜我程度只有國中 有些單字還要查查字典XDDD -- Fahrenheit*0* 你莫屬/為你陷/名揚四XD Min^0^ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/anya2006 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tee1017:話說 這一篇不是今天的 那是2/14號的 03/14 23:51
shuminanya:是噢~~那我搞錯了 哈哈 來亂的阿我XDD 03/15 12:47