精華區beta Fahrenheit 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近看了自己今年的通告表,只有3天的假期...覺得有點想哭...覺得自己是超人也要撐不住 了!But, at least... Life is not bad after all... You know why? Well, I guess I'm lucky that I always have the opportunity to experience different challenges in life every now and then :-) Filming in Shanghai made me familiarize with this wonderful city and recently, I just finished filming in Okinawa which is again another fantastic city! Okinawa, which is well known as having the world's longest life expectancy rate is indeed 'Nothing but the truth!' Honestly, I felt very uncomfortable filming under very hot weather BUT guess what? Clear blue seas + Beautiful white clouds + Clear blue skies gave me POWER everyday. Whenever I wake up and open the room curtains in the morning, I could see the beautiful sunrise rising above the horizon + eating breakfast overlooking the ocean... the feeling is just simply awesome! Lucky enough, all of these eased off all the heat I had to face during filming. Oh Ya, I also enjoy the YO KO (Sun in Japanese) very much!!! I guess I should name this trip 'Sun Tanning Trip' as I've never been so tan in my life before especially that I'm someone who could hardly tan at all! It really surprised me and I am extremely overjoyed till I'm hoping that the tan won't fade away... haha :-) Now, lets talk a little about 陽光天使.... First of all, the scenario is a little similar to Hanakimi! Why? Well, it's because I actually rejected when I was proposed with both of these dramas initially... How stupid of me :-) If not for Hanakimi, I believe many of you wouldn't know who GKC is and i won't have so many lovely guardian angels, right? 在接拍陽光天使的過程中, I really participated a lot and contributed my ideas not only on the script and my character but also on how we could film certain scenes in the drama. Well, I couldn't disclose too much about this drama at this moment but I can say there is a big difference from dramas I've filmed in the past. Am also grateful that this is a high budget drama as this enables greater flexibility to make it more successful! I'm also lucky that both the producer and director are willingly enough to listen to some of my ideas, unlike in the past where I just follow exactly what's in the script. To sum it up, 一邊籌備專輯一邊要投入戲劇是一件非常累的事 but I just love the whole filmmaking process as most of my ideas were delivered and implemented well! If the response turns out well in the future, it definitely is a form of encouragement and achievement as well :-) 我感覺我更愛上幕後的工作 because I really admire the job of a director and cinematographer. I've always pictured how each scene should be taken such as the positioning of the camera and the size of every shot and the flow of every scene... haha! It's fun and I love the creativity of filming...說真的,我越來越期待陽光天使! Last of all, I know there are many new fans club lately... Well, it's not an easy job and though I've always hoped all of you can be united as one but I know everyone has their own point of view so it's ok to have your own group BUT please don't be jealous or compete with each other, ok? 有時候見到熟悉的面 孔或是支持我很久的你們,我心中會有一種特殊的感動!我只希望大家可以開開心心的來給 我支持的力量和鼓勵。 If all the fans club are willing to unite and work together, I am definitely a SUPER MR. HAPPY :-) 用心,用心,用心!!! 加油,加油,加油!!! Quote to share: - “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome.” – William James 吳尊於 2010-07-25 01:16:08 發表 | 回覆(55) | 人氣(1622) | http://www.fahrenciti.com/blog.chun.read.582 -- Fahrenheit*0* 你莫屬/為你陷/名揚四XD Min^0^ http://www.wretch.cc/blog/anya2006 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
engra:中間穿插很長一句中文呢O_O 阿尊中文進步了嗎:) 07/25 14:42
PatRafter:每次看尊的部落格就覺得像在練英文 朝待尊有一天能成為 07/25 15:03
PatRafter:導演~~ 07/25 15:05
vallote:推"見到熟悉面孔或是支持我很久的你們,心中會有一種特殊的 07/25 17:07
vallote:動" 話都說成這樣了 怎能不支持呢? 07/25 17:07
vallote:期待新專輯 飛飛加油! 07/25 17:08
yiwenhaha:推練英文! 不過...我不知道GKC是什麼耶? 有人能解答嗎 07/25 19:16
huikun:真的滿像練英文的! 尤其阿尊好愛用長單字XD GKC是阿尊尊 07/25 21:11
huikun:的自稱吧~ 我猜應該是「吳吉尊」的福州話發音之類的... 07/25 21:12
ppp0417:樓上正解~ 阿尊加油~ GIVE YOU SUPER POWER !!!! 07/26 21:24
ppp0417:只休三天~~好可憐~~~> <~~~雖然很開心見你~但更想你休息~ 07/26 21:29