精華區beta Fahrenheit 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在華研討論區設了一個為[地震災民統一打氣加油版] http://www.him.com.tw/forum/forum_topic.php?g=1&t=388089 裡面有飛飛的留言哦~~ 尊、大東、亦儒也同步更新官網網誌(直接拿來用真方便...) 官網裡大東、亞綸、尊也錄了一段影片為四川震災祈福 (亦儒的影片也正在後製中...相信很快可以看到亦儒的影片...) 飛飛都很關心這次的災難...亞綸還是拍戲吊鋼絲到半夜還回公司拍影片 尊也是拍戲到早上收工還是不忘關心四川地震... 希望大家盡己之力...幫助這些需要幫助的人哦... 汪東城(2008-05-16 01:39:34) 回覆: 看到這次嚴重的災情 真的覺得很鼻酸,也很心痛 一直祈禱著,希望有更多的奇蹟出現 能夠救出更多的生還者, 也祈禱著這一切一切的磨難。能夠趕快結束… 希望所有的同胞 或世界各地的朋友們 大家一起來 有錢出錢 有力出力 千萬不要吝嗇自己的一份心力 讓我們一同陪他們度過這個難關 為災民盡一份力量 讓受難的人們能夠得到救援與幫助 誠心的祈求上天眷顧需要幫助的人們 誠心地為他們祈禱… 辰亦儒(2008-05-16 00:40:50) 回覆: 前幾天的四川大地震 驚動了大家的心 也驚動了全世界 也許 這是上天對我們的考驗 我們必須 更團結 更努力 更加同心協力 一起幫助無辜的災民 一起重建我們的家園 大家一定要努力 振作 我們千萬不能被打倒 把愛傳出去吧 我們一起同在 不要輕易的屈服 更別向任何事輕易的低頭 吳尊(2008-05-15 18:20:26) 回覆: Massive Earthquake disaster in Sze Chuan! Ever imagined this to happen in your area??? I was filming in Shanghai when this disaster happened and it was so close! When I heard about it, many thoughts really came to my mind! I started to imagine what could have happened if this disaster occur at our filming venue! Would I still be alive now??? What will happen to my family? What will happen to those who are close to me? How will they feel right now? Some became alone, some lost the lives of their loved ones,some lost their shelter, some would have no tears left in their eyes, etc... These are the feelings of all those who are affected by this devastating earthquake and it‘s really tough! Although we can in our mind picture what is going on at the affected areas but it‘s hard for us to imagine what the people there are really feeling now. It‘s way more sad than we can ever imagined... More SAD! We are so LUCKY... Will this happen to us tomorrow? No one knows... I guess we as human beings should do something to help them recover their loss as much as possible... Every small contribution from so many of you around the world will make a huge difference to their lives and they need it very badly now! Since it already happened, we can‘t do much BUT what we can do now is to give support to what lies ahead of them... To make them STRONGER! There are many ways we can help through trustworthy organizations and I am glad to know there are many some fans club who are in the process of contributing to this crisis. Thank you and let all of us help make this world a better place to live in. Quote to share: - ‘The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.‘ -- by demonmoon ╴ ╴ ╴ ▲▲ yummy!yummy ╱ / ╱╱╱╱ ╱╱╱╱ //︳// ▇▇ 這個蛋糕都是我的! ███/ █ █ █ █ █◣我也要 ◢█◥◤◤○ ! _ ███ █ █ █◥◣█ 囧/ ◢███◤ ﹀ ﹨○ ! █/ ̄/ █ █ █ █ ◥█ 〈 ▆▆▆▆▆▆ / 〈 ︶﹨○ ███/ █ █╱ ███╱ █/ █∕﹨ ▆▆▆▆▆▆ 〒〒 〈﹨ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MelJ:飛飛的討論版有亦儒的留言喔!!! ^_____^ 05/16 00:29
※ 編輯: nonnonzora 來自: (05/16 02:25) ※ 編輯: nonnonzora 來自: (05/16 02:27)