精華區beta Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
就在今天~愚人節。不是開玩笑的喔 >< 大家都知道她跟 Roger 在一起九年了, 讓我們藉由一些報導來回顧他倆的點點滴滴, 也順便認識一下 Mirka 這個人。 Mirka 在捷克出生,兩歲全家移民到瑞士。 大概是七歲時(有點記不太清楚)爸爸帶她去比賽因而跟網球結緣, 是 Martina Navratilova 帶他進入網球世界 第一次在瑞士國家網球中心見面 Roger and Mirka were totally unknown when they met each other during training in the Swiss tennis center. During that period Mirka recalls "I was very calm and disciplined, Roger made a lot of noise. He sang Backstreet Boy songs. He was funny, full of life, he made me laugh. The trainers would sometimes dismiss him from the courts just so they could have some peace." 兩人當時都是無名小卒,Mirka 說:「我當時相當自律(編按:ㄍㄧㄣ?),Roger在那邊 吵來吵去,他還唱新好男孩的歌(編按:依我猜測會不會是 Larger Than Life?)。他 很搞笑,也逗我笑。訓練員還會把他趕走只為求得一點平靜。」 In the same interview she recalls that mythical first kiss "I did not think he would want me, but finally it was he who embraced me. It was during the last day of the Sydney Olympics." And it was also the beginning of a beautiful romance. 神秘的初吻:「我不覺得他會喜歡我,但最後是他跑來抱我的。那是在雪梨奧運的最後一 天。(編按:感覺閉幕式會發生很多事情。)」Mirka說到。這也是這段羅曼史的源頭。 Roger 談 Mirka "Sometimes in an important moment, I will give Mirka a little 'hello' sign. She's always there to back me up," said Federer. "But I'm not a player who needs to look at his 'group'. I like it that I am on court on my own." 「有時在場上我會跟他打招呼,他總是在那支持我。但我不是那種會一直跟包廂使眼色的 的人,我喜歡自己在場上主導比賽。」 "When we met, I wasn't famous and probably ranked No 50 at best," recalled Federer. "Mirka was making her own career but after she was injured and couldn't play any more I asked her if she wanted to help me. It was a difficult time for her; very hard. But this way she had the chance to travel, to be with me every day, and I think this made her happy again. 「我們相遇時,我並不有名大概只排在50名左右。Mirka也全力為她的職業衝刺。但她受 傷後再也不能打球,我問她是否想要來幫我。那是她最艱難的時刻,但因此她有機會旅行 ,整天和我一起,這讓她又重展笑顏。」 "We soon realised we really loved each other and we liked hanging out together. She still loves the sport of tennis, the competitive edge it offers. Maybe, in a way her own career goes on with me. She feels she is needed for me to be successful. She loves what she does." 「我們很快就知道彼此相愛,我們喜歡在一起。她依然愛著網球、喜歡競爭。也許,某方 面來說她的職業生涯和我的是黏在一起的,她覺得有他她我才能成功,她樂愛她所為。」 "We spend every day together," he said, not blind to the invisible strains imposed on his girlfriend. "Watching is more difficult than playing, you can't do anything except applaud. 「我們每天都在一起。」Roger 卻沒有忽視 Mirka 無形的緊張。「看球比在場上打球更 不容易。你啥都不能做只能鼓掌。」 "In the past, Mirka was anxious.But I think she has really understood the need to calm down a little, for her own sake. It is stressful for her at the matches, especially the big occasions. 「以前 Mirka 會很焦慮,但我想她知道為她自己好她要冷靜下來。比賽時她壓力都很大 ,尤其是在大場合時。」 "But I can tell Mirka is more relaxed these days. She finds her own Zenlike state at my matches now. She doesn't get too excited and she doesn't get too down.She is becoming a bit like I am on the court and that works better for her. 「但最近我都告訴她要放鬆一點,現在看我的比賽,她可以找到自己禪的境界,不會太興 奮,也不會太低落。就有點像我在場上的樣子。 "I have told her the moment she doesn't want to do the Press or do so much travelling she can tell me right away. But instead of pulling me away from tennis she pushes me towards it. She likes being involved but in the end she's my girlfriend and that's what's most important to me." 「我有跟他說如果你不想搞公關、到處旅行,可以馬上告訴我。但他不僅沒有把我帶離網 球,還很嚴厲的監督我。她還是喜歡這份工作,但最終他還是我的女友,這對我來說很重 要。」 Mirka多功能到什麼地步,06年馬德里決賽沒人可以熱身,Mirka 還跳下去幫練。 Mirka 談他的工作 接受瑞士媒體專訪時所談到的,官網球迷翻的。 Q: Mirka, it's impressive with wich calmness Roger everything does. And he looks great. Roger 的成就很驚人,他看起來棒呆了。 A: I like it a lot, when he's dressed like that. When I see him like that - healthy, relaxed, Beautiful - then I feel very good. 我很喜歡他的穿著,當我看他很健康、放鬆、美好,我就覺得很棒。 Q: Are you responsible for his outfit? 你有打理他的衣服嗎? A: I'm part of it, yes… 對啦,我有。 Q: Where do you shop? 你都在哪血拼? A: In the whole world. But we are a lot in zurich, we have many friends there. And the city is a shopping-paradise. 全世界,但在蘇黎世居多,我們在那有很多好朋友,那裡是購物天堂。 Q: But not very cheap… 但沒有很便宜耶。 A: Right. But I also like cheap-things. I like to mix it. Also because we travel a lot and have to take care that our laguage is not too heavy. 是的,但我也喜歡便宜的東西,我喜歡混搭。也是因為我們必須到處旅行,所以行李 不能太重。 Q: You're wearing a beautiful ring on your finger… 你手上的戒指好閃啊! A: It was a gift. I don't want to say more about it. 這是禮物,我不想多談這個。 Q: You have your mobile/cellphone, blackberry, always ready… 你的手機、黑苺機隨時都要待命。 A: I get over 50 emails every day. 我每天收到 50 封簡訊。 Q: And you answer them all? 那你每封都會回嗎? A: If possible - but sometimes, I just can't do it. 如果可以的話,有時候會。但我總不能每封都回。 Q: You are something like Roger's Chief-Assistant… 你有點像 Roger 的一號助理。 A: …sometimes I realise that I almost don't have time for myself. And I also can't do much sport anymore - that's why I have a few pounds too much. I'm fully aware of that! 有時我知道我幾乎沒有自己的時間,我也不能多做一些運動,這也是為何我體重增加 的原因,這我清楚的很! Q: Is that disturbing you? 這很困擾著妳嗎? A: It's about Rogi now. He's the number 1 in the world. You are that only once in your life. My time is still coming. After the tennis. We have discussed this like that. 現在 Roger 比較重要。他是世界第一(編按:那時的世界第一),人生能這樣只有一 次,我還有時間,比賽後我們有討論過這些。 Q: How important is it for your relationship that you were a pro yourself once? 你過去曾經當過職業選手,對你們的關係有多重要?(感謝 Barth 版友) A: Very important. I'd even say, that's why we get along so perfectly. No other woman could deal with so much tennis. It's all about tennis, every day , every minute. 很重要,我甚至會說這是謂何我們能如此契合的原因。沒有女人可以搞定這麼多網球 的事。這都是網球,每天、每分鐘。 Q: You know what Roger feels and you understand, what an athlete needs… 你知道 Roger 的感受,知道運動員的需求。 A: …absolutely. If he wants to sleep long, I definitely won't wake him up by gettingup early. That's why I wait, till he awakes. Or when he wants to play cards with his friends. Or watch a football-match, then I let him do that. His days are always so busy… 那當然。如果他想睡久一點,我絕對不會很早就叫他起床,我會等到他醒。或是他跟朋 友打牌時、看球賽時我也會等。(編按:牌友之一是 Reto?)。他總是過的很忙。 Q: Roger looses very rarely. But when, does he need comfort/support? Roger 很少輸球。但如果輸了他需要安慰嗎? A: Roger is a very good loser! Roger 是很好的輸家! Q: You protect him wherever you can, sometimes you make yourself unpopular with that. 你竭盡所能保護他,有時候你還會因此被討厭。 A: I don't care, if every now and then someone thinks I'm a devil. Who critises me, should see, what we have to deal with. 我不在乎大家偶爾把我想成惡魔。批評我的人應該看看我必須處理些什麼。 Q: You give so much and you gave up so many things. What is Roger giving you back? 你付出很多但也放棄很多,Roger 給你什麼回報? A: Much, very much… Roger profs me everyday his love! He tells me everyday very nicely thank you. He's a very attentive man. He gives back a lot. He spoils me. 很多,非常多。他每天用他的愛滋潤我,他每天都跟我說謝謝。他是個細心的人,他 給我很多,他很寵我。 Q: He takes you to the most wonderful playes on earth. 他你到世上最美好的地方玩。 A: Well yes, but there's not much time for a privatlife. We have 4 weeks holidays, as everyone else. 對啊,但是私人時間也是不太多,我們跟大家一樣有四禮拜的假期。 Q: You were raving about Zurich. Are you planning to move? 你一直稱讚蘇黎世,你有要搬過去嗎? A: Our base is Basel. But who knows, maybe one day. 我們根據地是在 Basel。但天曉得呢?也許哪天吧。 這是兩人打 2002 年霍普曼盃,對手是澳洲野兔跟 Molik 結尾可以聽到 Mirka 講話。感覺他英文四夫不太好 XDD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGvh_nnDERM&feature=related
閃照連發 http://img5.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=2hyf3o7.jpg
這兩張是澳網期間拍下的,大家認為暗示著什麼呢? http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=33wtw10.jpg
現在 Mirka 懷孕了,Roger 曾說過一直以來 Mirka 都是以他為中心, 但現在輪到 Mirka 了,所以這時候懷孕剛好。他倆的羈絆真的很深。 -- I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me...but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst...and then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iliketea 來自: (04/01 02:49)
HISheart:哇 謝謝原po 04/01 02:54
Rfed:"他帶你到世上最美好的地方玩。"這句好A唷 >//////< 04/01 03:03
Rfed:體重那段很假無奈 XD 04/01 03:04
iliketea:不過他以前瘦的時候真的很正! XD 04/01 03:05
cochon23:真好 04/01 04:31
MikaHakkinen:感謝翻譯 04/01 04:44
megar:我真的很佩服Mirka耶~ 04/01 05:55
megar:版主亂想到那裡去了 XD 04/01 05:55
chia0908:感謝翻譯! 04/01 06:03
hardho:Mirka真的是很可愛!!! 04/01 10:32
Renyin:本人很有氣質很美又其實沒那麼胖喔~~ 04/01 11:02
psyche0605:"他每天用他的愛滋潤我"...我覺得這句比較A >///< 04/01 11:12
※ 編輯: iliketea 來自: (04/01 12:33)
nyyfederer:>///< 生日快樂 愚人節快樂 XD 04/01 18:40
imaginepinky:生日快樂!Mirka妳辛苦了! 04/01 19:06
mntpo:Mirka生日快樂!!然後女人生完說不定體質一變,變超苗條! 04/01 19:27
pinkyo:好幸福! 04/01 20:16
spf6127:Mirka生日快樂! 04/01 20:18
a87192611:Mirka生日快樂!! 04/01 20:26
yasmin1105:準媽咪生日快樂~~!^^ 04/01 22:16
cochon23:Mirka生日快樂!!! 04/01 22:41
weil:Mirka生日快樂生個健康寶寶吧 等等米爾卡應該會出來道謝大家 04/01 23:21
rastus1237:生日快樂!!! 04/01 23:44
whung1984:姐弟戀喔? 04/02 00:21
Mirka: 謝謝大家~ ( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ 04/02 02:50
wk7:姐弟戀??? 04/02 10:56
jjfinkh:超閃,昨天生日快樂!要甜蜜一生哦 04/02 11:15
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Dolce (April in Paris) 看板: Federer 標題: Re: [情報] Mirka's 31st Birthday 時間: Wed Apr 1 23:24:30 2009 在"Quest for Perfection"這本書裡面 有一個描寫Mirka的段落我看了很感動,也很喜歡 藉著今天Mirka生日的機會,跟大家分享 <以下內容引用自Rene Stauffer所著之"Quest for Perfection",第43頁> (我不知道要怎麼讓Rene Stauffer同意我引用他的文章 >"< 如果有任何著作權疑義我會馬上刪除,請版大見諒) The 2001 US Open was her last great success on the tennis tour-with the exception of the Hopman Cup in Perth in January of 2002 where she was able to celebrate a victory over Argentina alongside her boyfriend. Shortly afterwards, at the age of 24, she played her last match on the WTA tour in Budapest. She was forced to have another operation and was once again on crutches. It was still quite some time until she finally realized that her career was really finished. Her record as a professional concluded with 202 victories and 159 defeats-including the lower-level challenger and satellite events-with overall earnings of $260,832. 2001年的美國網球公開賽是她取得職業生涯最後重要勝利的地方(除了2002年 1月在伯斯舉辦的霍普曼盃中,她和她的男朋友一起擊敗阿根廷拿下的勝利之外)。 不久之後,在她24歲那年,她在布達佩斯的WTA比賽中打了她職業生涯的最後一場 比賽。她被迫進行了另一次手術,並且再一次撐起了柺杖。過了好一段時間後她才 終於明白,她的職業生涯真的結束了。她的職業生涯紀錄總結為202場勝利及159場 失敗(這些紀錄包括了較低等級的挑戰賽及衛星賽),她的職業生涯總獎金是美金 260,832元。 The abrupt and premature end of her career cast her into a depression. "It's not easy when you do something you like your entire life and then have to quit it from one day to the next," she said later in an interview at Wimbledon. "I fell into a deep hole. The most difficult part was when I was home for eight months and couldn't do anything. I had a lot of time to think and watch tennis on television. Roger was my greatest support back then. He gave my tennis life back to me. When he wins, it's as if I win as well." 職業生涯突然又倉卒的結束,讓Mirka陷入了沮喪。"當你全部的生活都在做一件 你喜歡的事,然後從某一天開始你必須完全放棄,這真不是件容易的事",她在之後 某次在溫布頓接受的訪問中說道。"我陷入了一個深淵。最困難的地方是,當我回家 待了八個月,而且什麼事情都不能做的時候。我有很多時間想東想西還有看電視上 轉播的網球比賽。在那段時間裡,Roger是我最大的支柱。他重新找回了我的網球生 命。當他贏的時候,我覺得好像我自己也贏了一樣。" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirka,生日快樂,你和Roger是命中注定要一起過一輩子的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Dolce 來自: (04/01 23:30)
cochon23:令人羨慕的小倆口 04/01 23:37
Renyin:喔 夥伴你真勤勞啊~我完全忘記有這本書要讀了哩XD 04/01 23:52
Dolce:我已經讀完很久了耶XD 這段我看到哭耶,有沒有很誇張XD 04/01 23:54
sixsix666:最後好閃喔@@ 04/02 00:21
Mirka:Roger是我最大的支柱 >///< 04/02 02:51
megar:好感人 >< 04/02 05:39
henin2003:現在我死掉說不定投胎還可以當他們兒子 04/03 20:43
bornhere:推樓上 可是怕你排隊過奈何橋的時候人太多趕不上投胎 04/03 23:05