精華區beta Federer 關於我們 聯絡資訊
昨天在網路上,遇到一個丹麥人! 經過幾句閒聊之後,他問我代號為什麼是Federer.. 我回答了他之後..就開始聊起了網球!! 他的名字是Kenny!! (以下他的回答部分英文是原來他傳回來的版本,有的我沒有紀錄下來 以中文表示 :) ) Kenny:你的代號為什麼是Federer? Rfed:因為他是我最喜歡的網球選手!,你認識他嗎?? Kenny:Yeah sure I know him! I've talked to him a couple of times. I was an official at the Copenhagen Open where he played. However that was before his big break through. Rfed:真的嗎? 真是不可思議,因為我真的很喜歡他喔! Kenny:You like him that much?? He's very shy but nice. He did get a little bit mad when he lost though. Rfed:那你還記得跟他說了什麼嗎?? Kenny: It was just about registration and stuff. And where his hotel was. Boring stuff. And then when I saw him I just said hi and asked him how he was doing. Rfed:那你對他的感覺是什麼?? Kenny:Yeah he was cool. But also very young at that time. I think one of the youngest on the tour. Rfed:那你還有遇過其他人嗎? Kenny:有阿,Marat Safin Rfed:哦? 那他人怎樣? Kenny:That was pretty cool. he is a cool guy very open. And he speaks good English. Federer wasn't that good then or maybe he was just shy. Rfed:也就是說你也是一個網球迷囉? Kenny:是阿,我打了一輩子了 (其實他才21歲... :p ) Rfed:那你現在還有在為任何比賽工作嗎? Kenny:喔,沒有..但是他們通常都會來找我幫忙! 後來他要去吃飯先走了!! 不過連了連絡方式,說不定以後還可以挖到什麼趣事XD -- 不過我記得Safin英文說的不好不是嗎?? @@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: