精華區beta Finance 關於我們 聯絡資訊
請教各位版大 Registered Representative在國外這樣的工作內容 在台灣相對應的職務有哪些 有朋友在國外從事這工作但有考慮回台灣發展 請教發展性如何? 查了一下wiki的定義,還是不甚瞭解... A Registered Representative, also called a General Securities Representative, a Stock Broker, or an Account Executive, is an individual who is licensed to sell securities and has the legal power of an agent. In finance, a trader is someone who buys and sells financial instruments such as stocks, bonds and derivatives. A broker who simply fills buy or sell orders is not a trader, as they are merely executing instructions given to them. 還想問個淺薄的問題, 這跟trader的差異在於? 謝謝大家!! (抱歉小妹是外行人,可是也很想瞭解這行的知識..逃^^") -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wellwilling:看起來就是股票營業員,幫客戶下單的,跟交易員差很多 01/09 17:40
wellwilling:交易員是自己手中有投資部位的,營業員就只是接電話的 01/09 17:40
wellwilling:營業員就是靠客戶下單量吃飯,所以要拼命找客戶下單 01/09 17:41
wellwilling:如果你不認識金主,你大概會整天都在拜託親友開戶下單 01/09 17:42