精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
【 在 [email protected] (特洛的夢中世界) 的大作中提到: 】 : ※ 引述《[email protected] (一包三五淡菸)》之銘言: : 請問我要怎麼做才能讓我在新增帳號時自動COPY .forward : 到新開那個帳號的 home 內呢? 把 .forward 改成 dot.forward 然後丟到 /usr/share/skel/ 下 :p or 下參數 -dotdir directory Copy files from directory into the HOME directory of new users, `dot.foo' will be renamed to `.foo'. Don't copy files if directory specified is equal to no. For security make all files writable and readable for owner, don't allow group or world to write files and allow only owner to read/execute/write .rhost, .Xauthority, .kermrc, .netrc, Mail, prv, iscreen, term. -- ※ 來源:‧四百年來第一站 firebird.cs.ccu.edu.tw‧[FROM: 218-163-224-243]