精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
是不是有patch過阿 現在裝微軟的細明體 超容易 mingliu.ttc拷過來 改名為mingliu.ttf 再ttfm.sh --add mingliu.ttf 就好了 完全正常 沒以前有間距過大的情形 不用在像以前 還要弄fonts.dir -- There's no love like your love And no other could give more love There's nowhere unless you're there All the time all the way Oh you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for I can't help it there's nothin' I want more I would fight for you I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you ya I'd die for you Ya know it's true Everything I do I do it for you~~~~~~ -- ╔═══╗ ┼────────────────────────╮ 狂狷 Origin:[ 狂 狷 年 少 ] whshs.cs.nccu.edu.tw ╰─╮ 年少 ┼╮ < IP: > ╰─╮ ╚╦═╦╝ From:61-217-196-22.HINET-IP.hinet.net ─╨─╨─ KGBBS 遨翔"BBS"的狂狷不馴;屬於年少的輕狂色彩