精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
【 在 [email protected] (水色時代) 的大作中提到: 】 : 請問一下 : 我cvsup的時候能夠自己選擇版本升級嗎? : 因為我現在用的是4.7r 想升級到4.7stable就好了 : 不想讓他跑到4.8r 用4.8r好多軟體灌起來都怪怪的... 現在 4-stable 已經是 4.8-prerelease 啦 不想變成 4.8-prerelease 的話 在 cvsupfile 裡指定日期 man cvsup date=[cc]yy.mm.dd.hh.mm.ss This specifies a date that should be used to select the revi- sions that are checked out from the CVS repository. The client will receive the revisions that were in effect at the specified date and time. At present, the date format is inflexible. All 17 or 19 characters must be specified, exactly as shown. For the years 2000 and beyond, specify the century cc. For earlier years, specify only the last two digits yy. Dates and times are considered to be GMT. The default date is `.', which means ``as late as possible''. -- ※ 來源:‧四百年來第一站 firebird.cs.ccu.edu.tw‧[FROM: 218-163-206-179]