精華區beta FreeBSD 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我找到了,說明如下: 1.先用 root 身份登入 2.看 man chsh Possible display items are as follows: Login: user's login name Password: user's encrypted password Uid: user's login Gid: user's login group Class: user's general classification Change: password change time Expire: account expiration time Full Name: user's real name Office Location: user's office location (1) Office Phone: user's office phone (1) Home Phone: user's home phone (1) Other Information: any locally defined parameters for user (1) Home Directory: user's home directory Shell: user's login shell NOTE(1) - In the actual master.passwd file, these fields are comma-delimited fields embedded in the FullName field. 重點是下面: The change field is the date by which the password must be changed. The expire field is the date on which the account expires. Both the change and expire fields should be entered in the form ``month day year'' where month is the month name (the first three characters are sufficient), day is the day of the month, and year is the year. 3. 動手修改: host# chsh username 範例: Change [month day year]: April 5, 2004 Expire [month day year]: April 9, 2004 存檔離開。 然後就可以了! 臭熊 -- 好康訊息! Openfind 提供免費撥接電話:40508888 帳號:openfind 密碼:openfind -- http://bbs.openfind.com.tw ※來源:139.175.*